Damn Hales

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Lydias pov:

I wake up in Stiles arms. I softly rub his face until he wakes up. He Flashes his perfect smile .

You need to drop me off at my house. I say.

"Do I have to , you can just stay here with me" He says " im Lydia Martin and I have to look good or I will die " I say

Come on . I say as I lean in to give him a Kiss.  We get in the car and drive to my house , he places his hand on my leg the whole way there which I like . Makes me feel safe.

We arrive and I kiss him . Slowly. "Is your mom going to wonder where you've been" I will just climb through the window . I say . 

Stiles Pov:

She gets out of the car carrying her heels and her shirt and skirt. She is still wearing my shirt. Which I enjoy.

She is climbing the tree to her window , its really funny. I never thought I would see The perfect Little girly girl climbing a tree to her window. She makes it to the top and turns around and blows me kiss.

I go home and take a shower and get ready for school. Im going to break up with Malia today. Honestly Im Scared. I do care for her but I car for Lydia more. Its going to be awkward for us . I think. But if Scott can do it Hopefully I can too.

I arrive at School. I see Lydia talking to Kira and as soon as she sees me

She smiles. I Smile back and wave. For some reason her smile fades. Then I feel Malias Hand grab mine.

I look at Lydia she has a broken little smile on now, she looks away trying not to make things Awkward but I can tell it hurts her.

"Hey " Says Malia as she Kisses me

"Hey um " I say

"I was going to sneak in last night but for some reason your window was locked" Says Malia.

For A minute I almost panic. "Well Cora was there I didnt want anyone trying to hurt her again" I say reassuringly.

"So how is she?" She is good now , her wounds healed . I say. The bell rings . I walk to class and Malia follows . The only thing that goes through my mind is When can I tell her?

Scott walks up behind me when Im alone heading toward my next class. "Have you told her yet" Says Scott.

Told her what?

"that she is a Hale" Says Scott .

Oh Shit I say.

"what" ? Says Scott

Can i tell you something and you cant tell anyone not Kira noone. Well I bet Kira Already knows but .

"Yes" Says Scott

Well Lydia and I kissed. I say..

"dude what! No way " says Scott

Yes. I say.

"Well I knew she liked you but your dating Malia " Says Scott

What? You knew how she felt. I say.

"Its obvious havent you noticed how she rolls her eyes when you and Malia are being all Couple like. Or when you guys are excluding her from conversation she looks sad. She really cares about you" Says Scott.

Well what am I suppose to Do? I mean I care alot for Malia but I have Always Loved Lydia. I cant break up with Malia when she finds out her dad isnt really her dad! That would be trashy and horrible. I say a little bit to loudly.

"I dont want to be in your twilight shit" Says Scott.

oh thanks for all the help you havent given me!  I yell as Scott walks away Laughing.

Class goes by fast. Then its lunch time which I dread.

Lydias pov :

I walk to our table outside to see Scott and Kira sitting by each other and Malia and Stiles Sitting by each other. Malia is smiling and everyone looks happy. Before anyone spots me I ran back into the school. But I now Stiles saw me.

The only thing I thought to myself is Its not fair to him.  Then Cora walks up behind me and whispers "Damn Hale. "

"what are you doing she is stealing your man " She says.

"what are you doing " I say .

"Ive decided to stay and well Im going to go to school for a little while" She says. " Come on will sit together"

I follow her to the table with everyone else. There happy to see her. I am too so now Im not alone at the table of couples *gag*. She sits on the other side of Scott and I sit on the Other side of Stiles. It was the only place left to sit.

Stiles pov:

This is so awkward . My girlfriend is sitting on one side and Lydia on another. Lydia looks miserable . I cant blame her though. I feel bad and I dont know what im going to do about Malia.

Lydia looks at me and I feel like a total jerk. I wish i could just hug her right now. Malia is being all  lovey dovey and Lydia is sitting alone watching us. I cant take it . I cant take seeing her unhappy. Especially over me.

I stand up . "I got to get to class early for a project " I say. Malia stands up and kisses me. I look back at Lydia and she looks at me with the most sad look Ive ever seen.

At least now She doesnt have to watch me and Malia.

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