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Lydias Pov -

One minute I can feel so alone but when he just barely touches me I feel instantly better, It's like he is my whole world and he doesn't realize it. On the way back we have a weird  conversation.

" do you want to go on a date? " Asks Stiles.

" Why would'nt I ? " I say loudly

" Well you don't really seem like your to happy with me right now " he says

" Its not you ,its that evil witch you dated " I say rudely.

"Yea I didn't expect her to push you but I think you handle it very well. "he  Says with a smirk .

"Well my whole hand is purple and throbbing , but did you see her face " I say and we both laugh.

" yea it was like utter shock and humiliation " He says while we're both still laughing. 

We arrive at my house, He gets out before me just to open my door " thanks " I say and smile. He is such a gentleman and I'm honestly feeling spoiled by his generosity and kindness.

I go straight into the kitchen and sit at the island table, He grabs my hand and examines it .

"God Lydia, Let me get you some ice." He says as he gets and ice pack.

"it's fine you don't have to " I say but he has already put it on my swollen hand, and the pain instantly cools down.

" Okay from now on no more punching my ex- girlfriends ok? " He says sarcastically . " you just can't stay out of trouble can you ? " Says Stiles with a simple but yet beautiful smile.

He is Holding an Ice pack to my hand as he leans in and plants a soft but simple kiss on my forhead.

"not very romantic is it ? " I say And he just smiles.

" As long as your here , I don't care " Says Stiles.

                  •   Stiles Pov  •

After a moment or two we head upstairs to her room, she says she wants to study for her test tomorrow, which doesn't really make sense cause she is extremely smart. But I don't try and fight her on It because she is the most stubbornness person I have ever met. We're both laying on the bed with books and notes spread put everywhere. After hours of studying I begin to not even notice I'm staring at her watching her memorize her notes.

"Stiles ?" Say's Lydia while still studing her paper.

"Yea ? " I say in a playful tone

" Why are staring at me ? " She laughs as she says it.

" It just amazes me how you can study for hours and not get bored , can't we do something else ? "  I ask as she turns her head and says

" like what " after she says it she puts a playful smile on.

" I'm sure we can find something "  I say confidently , I'm very shocked by my sudden burst of confidence.

She smiles seductively as our lips meet, She climbs on top of me, now sitting in my lap as we passionately kiss her hands are behind the back of my head while my hands are on her back pulling her to my body.

Lydias Pov -

I can feel his hands on my back, which feels my stomach with butterflies. He begins kissing my neck, while he is doing so I'm just hoping he doesn't find my sweet spot and if as on cue he does as I let out a little moan he giggles and says " found it. "

He gently rolls me over and now he is on top of me.  We begin kissing again as my hands begin on his back and without relizing it my hands are pulling his shirt off to reveal his unexpected built body. His sudden confidence is sexy but yet very intriguing. Without hesitation he removes my shirt and from then on it was perfect.

Stiles Pov -

Everything is absolutely perfect, it's like we were made for each other. Thankfully Lydias Mom is at lake house  for the night. I wake up to See her strawberry blonde hair laying on my chest along with her head. I can't believe this is real, for the first time in my life it feels absolutely perfect.

{ sorry for short chapter but please comment what you think about this chapter, I would really appreciate feedback }

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