Stream turbulent

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        You wake up in the cellar, you never really seem to leave there anymore. Ever since the watermelon incident, anyway. Peppa's gone too, which is Pretty. Odd because you saw her yesterday. You stand up, and immediately get confused. You're not in the cellar! You're in a bed, in a completely normal room. Big confusion. There's a window on the left, so you look out of that. "I'm in the same area!?! Tf??" You think to yourself. You notice a stairway so you yeet yourself down the stairs and land on your femur. Suddenly, at the bottom of the stairs, peppa appears before you, but she's like 10'7. She glares down at you, and you feel immediate fear well up inside you. "Well well well." She says menacingly. "Look who we have here! My dear old friend has returned! I'm sure you remember when you blamed the watermelons not being done on me, so now I think it's time we get even!" She picks you up, and as you scream and cry and beg for your life, she eats you.

      You wake up in a pool of your own sweat, tears, and pesticide. Must've just been a fever dream. You're still in the cellar, but again, Peppa is missing. You stand up, and smell something DELICIOUS. Your hunger levels are at like -736383 now, for the last thing you ate were watermelon seeds. You yell "HEY WHAT THE FRICK FRACK SNICK SNACK SMELLS SO GOOD!?" Up the stairs, and hear someone drop something. The blue haired useless paperclip appears down the stairs, and drops a plate in front of you. You've never seen what's on it before, it's brown and crispy and smells like heaven! "What is this wonderful mess?" You ask. "It's meat you dumb shit" Cody replies. You've never had meat, you grew up in a STRICTLY VEGETARIAN household, being raised by horses and all. Cody exits stage left. You take a bite. It's the most delicious thing you've ever had. You eat the whole plate in .637 seconds. You tell up the stairs "What is this stuff called!?" Cody peers down the stairwell, grins, and replies with "Bacon." Oh shit well it's pretty good. "What's it made out of?" You ask eagerly.

You can still remember the haunting answer he gave you to this day.


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