Not sexual

115 4 1

      "I know what's gonna happen" you think to yourself. "This happens all the time in fanfiction, and this must be similar" You smirk back at him and raise your eyebrows in a suggestive way. He kicks you and unchains you. You can F E E L the tension. Suddenly, he throws you on the floor and DISLOCATES YOUR FUCKING ARM. You cry out in pain as he TAKES OUT A SAW AND SAWS YOUR ARM OFF. You are in immense pain. "Shut the hell up or i swear to God i'll cut a bitch!" He bandages your arm as you cry like the lil bitch you are. He picks up your unattached arm and swings it over his shoulder. "Interesting fact of the day: arms sell for a surprising amount of money on the black market!" he says while smiling.

       He leaves.

You're sitting downstairs with a missing arm. You really want to go home. You need to update your Facebook status. You want to cry, and do so. He comes back a minute later and knocks you unconscious.


kIdNapPEd bY sEt iT oFF??????Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz