ItS mIchAeL jAcKson!!1!1

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"Peppa? Who's that again?" Cody says. "You're the one who kidnapped her you figure it out!" you say, getting annoyed at how stupid he is. He sits down and thinks for like 11 minutes before saying "Ohhh shit is that the pig? Never liked her, just wanted ham." Damn, you want to get in on that ham, and you never really liked Peppa either, sooooo.... "Let's just go get her, and then you can figure it out." you say, before he punches you in the neck. I think YOU forgot that you are still captured? He ties your hands behind your back with a piece of grass, and leads you back to the work site.

Back at the site, Peppa still lay there, on the ground, unconcious. She's foaming at the mouth now too. "Get back to work you fuck, i'll take care of this." he tells you. There's still a LOT of watermelons, so you get to work RIGHT AWAY. As you work, he examines Peppa. A while later, he drags her by the foot back to the house. "Oh my God I hope there's ham for tomorrow" you think.

About a day later, Peppa is still not back. You're actually starting to worry. Weird huh. After about 3 hours, you hear yelling from inside the house. Suddenly, you hear a TERRIBLE CRASH! (there was a terrible, CRASH) and Peppa flies out the fucking window and lands on her kneecap. "BOTH OF YOU, IN HERE NOW!" you hear from the house. You grab Peppa and you both enter, not knowing what to expect. You open the door, and are immediately picked up and thrown on a couch. 4 men are standing in front of you. "You didn't de-seed all of the watermelons, and those were for our picnic later......" the tall one that had the bat says.(or, y'know, Zach) You know what that means! He GRABS Peppa by the dress, and it begins.

You can't really remember what happened that day, only a brief glimpse where Maxx exclaims he's gone 'Sicko Mode" after snorting 73 grams of Fentanyl and slamming Peppa's head into the drywall. It's all just a deep memory by now. You peacefully fall asleep, being back in the cellar where you started.

kIdNapPEd bY sEt iT oFF??????حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن