Almost Finished

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143..* Never give a hater enough time to catch you slipping. If you should fall, play it off, to where it looks choreographed.

144..* All that hating is Fuel to her Fire. It don't make her Suffer- just makes her Stronger- and make her Tougher.

145..* I can't even pronounce the word Fail, all I speak is fluent Success.

146..* Build your foundation from the very same Bricks that your Haters throw at you.

147..* A wise woman said, "Broke is a disease" and then she took my last dollar and sold me thevaccine.

148..* Stop holding the good cards, learn to play them well.

149..* Scared money, don't make money.

150..* No amount of money can buy back your Past, but the Present is your chance to INVEST in your Future.

151..* A good girl knows her limit, a bad girl pushes the limit, but a Boss Bitch is LIMITLESS.

152..* When life gives me Lemons, I add Patron and say Cheers!

153..* A Toast, to success and longevity. Bosses: raise your glasses. Everyone Else: raise your Standards.

154..* Work Hard Play Hard

155..* All work and no play makes one dull bitch... LIVE!

156..* If your planning on doing anything Tonight, that you might regret in the Morning. Better sleep 'til the Afternoon!

157..* Your Network determines your NET WORTH.

158..* An envious heart will keep you up all night. But a large pile of money makes one fine pillow.

159..* Less Hate will get you More Cake.

160..* Make the decision to stop procrastinating, Starting Monday.

161..* STOP being so nice all the time! Learn to be a bitch at least 3 times a day. Thats how you keep the bullsht to a minimum.

162..* A STRONG woman SMILES through the PAIN because she knows that even thoough she's breaking INSIDE, the world is still watching.

163..* I am CONFIDENT because I can ADMIT who I am, what I've done, and LOVE myself for who I've become.

164..* B.O.S.S. (B)uilt (O)n (S)elf (S)uccess

165..* A real woman is not impressed by MONEY because what she has to offer is she has HER OWN.

166..* I Cheated on my (fears), Broke-Up with my (doubts), got Engaged to my (goals) & Married my (dreams).. Bitch I'm a BOSS

167..* Be real selective as to who you share your dreams with. There's always that one person who's gonna try and shut you down.

BOSS BITCH QUOTES ND TIPSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon