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26..*Money does NOT build character.. grinding does.

27..*Hustle builds character; Business builds credibility. Know the difference; respect them both.

28..*A wealthy woman hustles hard; a wise woman hustles smart.

29..*If you spend more than 3 hours out the day doing anything your NOT seeing money from; then you hustling backwards.

30..*A)lways B)e C)akin

31..*All women are natural born hustlers; some just haven't figured it out yet.

32..*A failure is only a failure when you decide to stay there.

33..*A boss will always ((bounce back)) despite how far she falls.

34..*Make your money- but don't let it make you; so if you go broke- it could never break you.

35..*The key to coming up on some new money; is to act like its nothing new at all.

36..*Take pride in knowing you can do for yourself; and feel free to remind him that his money is merely shoe money.

37..*See ladies when you got your own you can talk waaay more shit and get away with it -vs- a bitch that's leaning on a nigga...or on financial life support.

39..*Stash Yours; Spend His.

40..*It aint tricking if he got it; so by all means- take it. But never depend on it; just count it as extra.

41..*A promise is comfort to a fool.

42..*Expectation is the root of all Heartache.

43..*Trust your intuition above all; she will show you who the snakes are.

44..*Separating the trustworthy from the untrustworthy requires much effort- which is why many find it easier to trust no one at all.

45..*Loyalty doesn't require that you share your wealth with your friends; if you really want to 'put them on' share your knowledge.

46..*The best thing you can do for a broke friend is to not share your wealth; share your knowledge instead. The best thing you can do
for a broke man; is to leave him alone.

47..*Basic broads fb status: "omg so bored.com". A boss bitch fb status: "always in motion".

48..*A goal is simply a dream with a deadline.

49..*Time is money, and I'll say it again... if someone is wasting your time they are stealing from you.

50..*The only thing worse than a nobody is a has- been. Keep Moving Forward.

51..*Many people are mad at me because they can't be themselves. I'm a boss so I can be myself and still get money. Stop being something your not!

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