An Eye For An Eye Pt.2

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Chapter 52 Part 2: An Eye For An Eye
: : : WARNING ! LAST CHAPTER ! 😢👋 : : :

"Can you tell us what else happened?" She looked towards me waving her hand between CoCo and her.

I nodded my head gripping Co a little tighter. I could help but to feel her bones underneath the clothes that she wore. She definitely wasn't herself and it was effecting more than just her.

"Whenever your ready, August." Mrs. Smith smiled grabbing her notebook yet again.

I nodded my head once more playing with the frames on the glasses that sat on my face. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. The thing was I didn't understand why was I so nervous?


"Oh my god AirRen! Stop!!!" Tae yelled attempting to pull her off.

AirRen turned around with blood splattered across the top of her gown.

The look in her eyes made everyone scared even me. Her beautiful brown eyes were now black holes of hate.

"Baby she ain't fucking worth it!" I barked pulling her off that bitch.

She stayed quiet as Lola dragged her self off the floor slowly making her way to the door.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." Tae whispered pacing the room in tears.

"Calm down. It ain't nobody fault but they ass. They going down fah this shit. Trust me!" I growled gripping the rails of the hospital bed.

I looked to see Co's face still harden and her eyes still black. I knew she was beyond pissed.

"Yall shouldn't be going through no shit like this." Trey said shaking his head walking towards Ny.

"Can I talk to August alone?" Co blurted out turning towards the window. I nodded smiling faintly watching everyone exit.

"I love you." I whispered kissing her neck. I could feel her tense up as I placed my arms around her body.

"Why would they do that?" She whispered. "They some haters lil mama. We got two beautiful kids and they jealous."

"But August this was your chance at being a father. First I took that away now they took- OUR BABY IS DEAD!" She yelled smacking the cup of ice off the nightstand before balling up to cry.

I laid down pulling her body next to mine stroking the wild stray hairs from her bun. "I promise we got our whole lives to make babies. Lil man up there wit his grandparents, Kat and Mel."

"I love you Alsina." She whispered flatly with barely any emotions. I knew she was hurt so I didn't let it get to me as much.

"I love you too." I whispered humming into her ear listening to her fall asleep before me.

"August! Man wake the fuck up!!!" I heard a familiar voice call shaking mr out of the well needed rest.

"Dah fuck going on? Whea Co?"

"Come on man! Ny and the girls tryna talk her out of it but she won't let go!" Trey yelled running towards the door.

I didn't bother to argue. I pushed my feet in the Nikes heading to the door following right behind him. As we ran down the hallway I could her girls screaming and crying

"Fuck." Trey mumbled under his breath.

"What's going on?" I asked getting irritated. I just really needed to find CoCo.

After AugustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon