N/A Update

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{Authors Note : i Want ALL My Readers To Go Read My NEW Book Called "HęârtBĘÂT" its A Drake & Nicki Minaj Story.

Also i Know i Said This Wasn't An Update i Just Wanted To Give You Guys Something Since i Made A N/A Update Before. Carry On With The Story Loves . 😘 XoXo}

Chapter 25: Ties Part 2

"Be careful baby!" I called out towards AJ as he swung himself higher and higher.

I figured taking them to the park would give me plenty of opportunity to spend time with my babies and study for a moment.

"Mommy, mommy! Wuk at me slide down." Seppie giggled letting her tiny feet land in the sand.

"Ooooow baby, did you have fun?" I asked as she leaped into my arms.

"Yes!!! Can I swing wit Auggie? "

I walked her towards the swings pushing her gently.

"Mommy will be right over here, okay?" I pointed towards the park benches.

My flustered body plopped down on the bench taking out my textbooks preparing to study.

At times like this I wish I had someone to share the role of parenthood with to take some of the pressure off me but I made the decision not to get Aug involved.

I hated him for how he broke up with me but every time I looked into my children's faces all the love for him came back.


"CoCo, stop studying and come swing wit us." Aug said closing the book in my lap.

"Aug I NEED to stud-"

"You need to relax lil' mama. Come on."

He picked me up bridal style carrying me to the swing set.

"Daddy push me pweeeese! !" Seppie yelled towards Aug.

"I gotcha baby girl."

"Daddy push me too." AJ asked slowing his swing down."

"Alright Junior. "

I admired him as he pushed both of his kids laughing. This was my family and I loved it.

***DayDream OVER***

I wanted the daydreams I had of Aug and our kids to be true but I knew it would never be a reality because of my selfishness.

"Well, well, well .... it must be fate." A familiar voice said towering over me.


"You can't keep up with me niggah!" I yelled dribbling the ball down the park's court.

"Maan .... uhh .... fu-fuck YOOOU! " DJ managed to get out as he hunched over taking a sip of he's Gatorade.

"Dude just pay up! You owe me for this ass whooping and yesterday's ass whooping."

He walked over to his bag pulling out two 20 dollar bills throwing them towards me.

"Don't be like that. " I joked.

"Fuck you niggah. Let's play again. Cuz I need that damn money."

"You sure you wanna do that?" I chuckled.

"Man come on niggah! Wait a minute, Trey ain't that yah girl?" He pointed.

I turned my head looking across the park over to the swings.

I spotted her long flowing hair, thick frame and beautiful chocolate skin.

"Ill be back." I said letting the ball roll out of my hands onto the concrete.

I stood over her as she sat reading a book, "Well, well, well .... must be fate."

Her hair flung across her shoulders as she looked back towards me giggling. "Fate? How sir?"

"I mean what are the chances I see twice in one day." I smiled

"You could be stalking me." She laughed shifting over to let me sit down.

"So you got jokes? If anything your stalking me."

"I dont think so! Your not that cute Trey."

Damn this girl was beautiful and smart. She was too good to be true.

There was something she was hiding because no girl like her is just single.

"Mommy!!!!" A little girl called running from the swings to AirRen breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes love?" She answered calmly.

"Who is he?" She said pouting.

"Im Trey. Your mom's friend from school." I said looking at AirRen.

"Hi ... uh mommy can I have juice?"

AirRen handed her a small juice box and within seconds she was gone.

"So you have a kid?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Nope! ... I have 2!" She replied never looking up from her chemistry book.

I sat there in silence. That was the problem no niggah would take on the role of tryna date a girl with not one but two kids.

"Deal breaker, huh?" She chuckled.

"Naahh not at all. You got kids, cool.

That doesn't mean imma stop talking to you. Im guessing the little boy over there is the other one? "

She looked up from her chemistry book and smiled. "Yes his name is August and her name is September."

We talked for what seemed like hours. We talked about her life and how she wanted to be a nurse.

We talked about how I wanted to go pro with this basketball shit. She was really easy to talk to.

She wanted to know me as a person not as a star like most of those GSU hoes did.

"Oh god! Its almost 8!" She gathered her books calling for August and September. "I have to go. "

"Not before you give me your number. "

She chuckled, "A deal is a deal." She pulled out a pen jotting down the number into my hand.

"Watch imma make you mine AirRen." I said walking her towards her car.

"I highly disagree with that."

"Really? Fate made us see each other again so I could get your number. Trust me I'll make you mine."

"We'll see. Nice seeing you again. "

I pulled her into a hug before she got into the car.

"Talk to you later. " I waved at her and the kids.

AirRen was definitely gonna be mine no doubt about it.

A/N I Know In The LAST CHAPTER I Said That PART 2 Would Be Up Monday. Just Consider This As Your Treat For Giving Me 1K Reads ... Thanks Again EVERYONE & I Love You ALL !

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