Love Of My Life..

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Chapter 48: Love of My Life

I sat in the car with the heat blasting rubbing my belly under the black sweater that covered every inch of my body. My ass hurt from sitting in this uncomfortable driver's seat for 10 or more hours.

I pulled up to where they lied peaceful and I really contemplated on what I should do. I took a deep breath pulling the rain jacket around my body hopping out if the SUV.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered looking for my family. I walked over falling to my knees instantly. I wasn't sure if it was because of where I was or because the adrenaline

I used to get here wore off. I could feel the tears roll off my cheeks onto the dead roses that sat against hers.
"I miss you momma." I said weakly touch the head stone.


"Look baby, me and daddy gonna go see Uncle Ricky. We'll be back in an hour." She smiled kissing my high fevered forehead.

"Kay momma ... love you." I smiled slowly rolling over to get comfortable.
I could hear the door shut before I was fully into a deep sleep.

"CoCo getcha ass up! I know you faking." His seemingly high voice cracked as he peeled the covers off of my body.

"If yo lanky ass don't stop! Imma slap you!" I managed to get out through the coughing and wheezing.

"Awwww hell yea you sick fah real. Me and Mel was finna head out so-"
"Nope! You owe me! I covered you when Ms. Shelia was bout to whoop you and Mel ass!" I hacked.

"So as my best friend you need to take care of me." I smirked.

"Da fuck?!"

"Go ... get the movies and a blanket niggah!" I snapped shooing him away to the hall. "And turn on the alarm."

We sat and laughed at all the movies we watched even if they were suppose to be scary. My best friend made me forget I was sick until I heard the alarm system sound off.

August quickly scrambled to one of his many hiding spots in my room. I could hear multiple footsteps but I figured my parents came with extra company as usual. I could rambling as I tip toed into the hallway and my mother crying out.

I quickly ran back into my room searching for the cell phone my dad got for me ad a Christmas gift last year.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?"

"I ... I-" My hands were shaking and my throat was dry.

"Get on the FUCKING ground!" I heard someone mumble from the downstairs as my mother's voice cried out.

"Where's Bishop's stash at? I know you his wifey ... I'll blow yo ass up."

I hadn't even realized Aug had took my hand leading me into the secret storage door in my closet that he often used to hide from my father. I was in total shock. I rested my head in his chest as he talked to the operator.

"Their in here." He whispered on the phone covering my mouth with his long slim fingers. I attempted to stop crying so they couldn't find us but I hated the fact I could hear my mother's cries and I couldn't help her.

"Fuck the girl! She not here! We'll take care of her later!" One of the burglars said before a gun went off and something heavy fell to the floor. We heard the group run down the steps rambling through book cases and our kitchen.

As we opened the door my bare feet stepped in a warm red liquid leading to her body. I rushed towards her picking her head up lying it on my lap rocking back and forth.

"Momma wake up! Wake up!" I cried shaking her.

"Ma we gotta go. They still down there." Aug whispered pulling me from under my dead mother.

"I love you." I whispered slowly kissing her forehead as I ripped the gold heart necklace off her neck holding it for dear life jumping out of my window.

He pulled my arm out of my socket as we ran faster and faster towards his house hearing the sirens faintly.

"I can't run anymore August!" I wheezed dusting my bare feet off.

"I gotchu! You MY best friend and I love you." He smiled kissing my cheek pulling my body into his arms running again.

******Flashback Over ******

After I lost my mother Aug always protected me. After that day I figured out I was truly in love with my best friend. I looked over a my father's grave smiling softly.

I never spoke to my father after that because he later found the killers and went to jail for killing them only to die in prison by his long fight against cancer. That's how I lost Kat looking at her grave the lied near my mothers.

"You know they smiling down at you." He mumbled breaking up a bouquet of flowers dividing them on each of the graves.

"Why would they be? Imma failure August! I have 2.5 kids and if the last one asks who their father is I would have to say a good for nothing abusive kidnapper?" I yelled crying.


The thought of that niggah putting his hand on CoCo made me go crazy.

"He hittin' you?" I asked picking her off of the cemetery ground examining her.

"No." She whispered. "He's just always yelling, sayin shit about you and scaring me... makin' my tummy hurt."

"Listen ... you know I love y-"

"Please don't say it." She whispered letting her head fall to the ground.

"Say what?" I mumbled gripping her chin softly.

"That we can't be together. That I'm not the girl you fell in love with!" She yelled pushing me away.

"Stop fighting me!" I groaned catching her fists.

"August I don't wanna live without you ... besides my babies, you all I got for family." She cried falling to her knees.

I sat down holding her tight looking into her beautiful eyes wiping the tears away with my thumb. I loved this women to death. I flew from Atlanta to New Orleans just to make shit right with ha.

"I don't give a fuck if this so called that niggah baby. You mine lil mama and lil man right hea gon be apart of our family." I said kissing her lips softly touching her belly.

"I don't wanna lose you anymore." She whispered holding my shirt between her fingers.

"You won't."

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