Chapter Eleven: Seana The Pitbull.

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"Cal?" Dylan's voice entered my ears and I could feel the blood rush from my body.

I wasn't sure if what I was seeing was real. Dylan seemed to show up at the most inopportune moments.

Here I am, on the floor of an elevator, crying and looking like an idiot, and the guy who caused all of this is standing outside the doors.

I was frozen in place. My body finally decided to shut down on me as Dylan called to me. My blood had stilled and my brain became silent. I wasn't sure if I was pissed off or hurt by the sight of him, but thankfully, I had Seana to decide for me.

Seana gracefully stood up and helped me to my feet. Without a word, she pushed past Dylan, pulling me down the hall with our arms linked. She was the best of friends among best friends. Seana was the type of girl who didn't give a single shit about anything but what she was focused on. And right now, getting me away from Dylan was her main focus; she wasn't going to falter.

I tried my best to ignore the fact that Dylan was following us, stumbling over his own feet along with his words.

"Callie, please! Just listen to me for five seconds. Seana, come on!" He said as Seana picked up the pace as we swiftly walked to my room.

Dylan grabbed my hand causing the three of us to come to a sudden hault. My heartbeat quickened while I stared at a very irritated Seana.

"Girls, please give me a chance to explain." Dylan started.

"We don't want to talk to you Dylan. What do you not understand about that?" Seana sassed. Dylan cast his gaze to the floor while speaking.

"Look, I know you both are pissed at me but..." That's when Seana let it rip.

"No, absolutely not! We aren't doing this right now. You don't get to apologize, you don't deserve the chance to explain yourself. And you sure as hell don't deserve a girl like Callie in your life. I was on your side Dylan, I wanted you to have an amazing girl in your life... until you proved what a real piece of shit you can be. I don't give a shit what you have to say, I don't care to hear what sob story you have come up with, but nothing you say will justify how you have treated Cal. So Dylan... back off. If she wants to talk to you, then she will. Until then... give her some breathing room. Now, if you'll excuse us..." Seana finished by pushing past Dylan. She was like a pitbull, a fierce ball of cuteness that even Dylan couldn't argue with.

She pulled me along and Dylan slowly let go of my hand. I dared to glance in his direction... and instantly regretted it. Dylan looked as if someone had killed his most beloved dog. His face looked torn...between what? I couldn't tell you.

I heard him whisper an I'm sorry before letting us walk away.


It took us a few minutes to finally reach my room. Tyler was patently waiting outside of my door for us to arrive. I felt slightly guilty that our bonding time in the elevator caused him to wait so long.

"Did you know Dylan was here?" Seana immediately asked her boyfriend. I held back a laugh at how agitated she had become.

"I-he- he may have come by before you girls showed up..." Tyler stated giving Seana the same look as a child who had just been scolded.

" Tyler..." Seana sighed, pushing for him to continue.

"Guys, let's go inside. I'd rather not have this conversation in the hallway." I spoke up and pulled out my room key.

We made our way into the safety of my room. I felt the small pressure of anxiety lift away from my body. I felt a little better as I sat on my bed.

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