Chapter Two: Snorting, Star Wars, And Baseball.

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Seana turned out to be absolutely amazing; she was such a sweetheart. We ended up having just about everything in common. We liked the same music, the same books and movies. She also loved to travel. Since her boyfriend was always on location or at some event, they always ended up in a new place. In two hours, my books' biggest fan also became my newest best friend.

"What if they don't like me? I mean, it's not like I'm a great pop sensation! I'm an author... what could they possibly want to know about me?" I huffed at Seana as we made our way through a few empty rooms.

We had made it to the set that she had been doing makeup on for the last week. She had her own trailer setup in the back so that she could stay when her boyfriend had to work scenes for the night.

"You have plenty to talk about! Hello, I just sat and drank four cups of coffee with you talking about everything under the sun! They aren't 60 year old people... Just think of it as being back in high school." She said back.

I was nervous about meeting her friends and boyfriend. I felt like I shouldn't be here, that I wouldn't belong. All these people were rising stars on some T.V. show while I on the other hand, was just a girl who wrote a book. I wiped my palms on my jeans nervously. "I hope you're right." I said as we entered her trailer.

"Alright. We have exactly one hour to make you look fabulous! Tyler will meet us out there. Now, let's find you a dress." Seana started searching her closet, looking back at me every so often to see what would be agreeable with my slim body.

"Tyler?..." I asked confused. Seana paused for a second then chuckled. "I'm sorry, my boyfriend. I guess I never really did mention his name." She giggled again and handed me a dress. "This one! It's perfect!" She stated. The fabric in my hands was a strapless eggshell colored dress. It was simple but so gorgeous with it's satin texture. She was right, it would go perfectly with my blonde curls and blue eyes.

"You should really consider being my stylist. I guarantee people would remember me then." I smiled and she pointed me in the direction of the bathroom. "At this point, if you needed me... I'd totally style you up. You deserve the recognition from fans just as much as your book does." She said as I stepped into the bathroom and closed the door lightly behind me.

This is it. It's time to be social, it's time to make some friends.

I stared at my reflection in awe. Seana was amazing at what she did. My makeup was flawless, my dress complemented every inch of my body, even my hair was immaculate.

I tore my gaze away from myself and looked her over. She was so adorable in her dark blue dress. She had a simple yet timeless look about her. "Ready to go?" she asked grabbing her purse. I let out a sigh before grabbing my own, "As ready as I'll ever be." We latched elbows and headed off to the designated party spot.

Down the hall I could hear the beat of the music echoing throughout the set. I could see the pink and blue light flickering from the small gap between the white tile floor and the door frame. This is it. You can do this. Just be yourself. I thought to myself as Seana put her hand on the door handle. "Hey. It's going to be alright, remember... just like high school." She said giving me a small smile. I nodded in response and she opened the doors reveling a massive room full of beautiful people laughing and dancing.

It's just like high school... it's just like high school... don't freak out...

I continuously repeated those words to myself and we made our way through the crowd. My eyes wondered taking in every detail of the place and it's people. It's one of the many habits I have as an author, I feel the need to find inspiration in any situation.

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