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Trixies POV

I sit in my car parked on a busy city street thinking. It's been days since we've talked and I know she's probably not coping with everything too well. She probably feels like she pressured me into having sex with her. Or that she fucked it all up somehow.

Damn maybe she wasn't ready. We're not even officially dating. We've discussed being exclusive but I didn't want to ruin everything. Maybe that wasn't the right choice.

I decide that I've left her alone for long enough. If I leave her any longer she might have an episode or something. Ugh this is all my fault.

I snatch my phone up off of the console and open up Katyas contact. My heart flutters as I look at her photo. It's a selfie she took over a year ago with scrunchies, clips and bows in her hair. All of them were placed in a way that makes absolutely no sense but it was so damn cute.

I press on the call button and wait for her to pick up. As soon as I do I hear her heavy breathing. "Katya?"

"Y-yes?" She sniffles out making me frown.

"Do you need me?" I ask knowing that she does.

"Y-yes." As soon as she says it I start the car and pull into the busy peak hour traffic, cutting another car off in the process.

"It's okay. I'm coming. Is Boe home?" I ask hoping the answer is yes but knowing that it probably won't be.

"No. Trixie please hurry." She sobs making a panicked chill run down my spine.

"I'm trying baby. I'm nearly there." I say as calm as I can before continuing to say comforting words as I rush to her apartment.

As soon as I burst into her room she runs into my arms sobbing dramatically. "Shhh. I'm here now." I say picking her up and taking her to her bed and laying her down onto the fluffy blankets.

I shrug off my bag and jacket letting them fall to the floor before sliding in behind her. My arms wrap around her body tightly. We stay like that until I drift off to sleep.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I walk in the bush along a trail alone as a dust storm rages on around me. The air is thick with red dust, glowing from the suns light. I reach the edge of a cliff and look over it curiously.

At the bottom there's a body and it's instantly recognisable. The blonde hair and red lips gives it away. Suddenly the red dust clouds my vision and I'm blinded, unable to see the girl I love.

My chest starts to heave heavily as I panic. I hate being blinded. I feel dust stick to the tear tracks on my face as it rages on.

"Trixie..... Trixie."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Trix baby." I gasp as I wake up unable to breath. I feel the tears come as I struggle to move. I'm vaguely aware of Katyas arms pull me in close as I struggle.

"Do you remember that time where we went camping together. There was a stream right next to us and a waterfall not too far along the stream.  It was a little field amongst the trees covered with only pink flowers. We laid in them and looked up at the stars together. You were singing that song, yellow cloud. You probably didn't realise that I recorded that. And then the first snow of the season started. You looked so damn cute when some landed on your face and you scrunched it up. You look cute all the time though. You know I listen to your songs all the time, they're super amazing and they help calm me down." She says running her fingers through my hair.

"Y-you record them. You meanie." I say giving her a light shove.

"Of course I do. I sit on the roof and listen to them a lot." She says before pressing a quick kiss to my forehead. "Come on. I wanna show you."

I crawl out of the bed, wrapping myself up with a blanket, as Katya does the same. She grabs my hand and takes me out of her room and towards the roof access.

I'm Not Sorry - Trixya Where stories live. Discover now