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Trixies POV

Katya and I lay on my couch snuggled together after I got home from work. She'd been here for the last three days to avoid unpacking her apartment which I find hilarious. "Triiiiiiix." She says with a small smile.

I feel that smile creep onto my own lips. "Hey." I say back as she sits up.

"Hey. I got you something." She responds with a massive smile as I internally groaning, a pout playing on my lips.

"Please tell me it's not a copy of contact. I already have 57? Or 58." I whine. There's literally a pile of them in my room all stacked up next to my bedside table.

"No no nothing like that. It's upstairs in your bedroom..." She says as she takes my hand pulling me up and dragging me towards the stairs, my body groaning with protest as I'd only just sat down. She keeps dragging me up the stairs until we get to my bedroom, stopping in front of my door.

"So when I got this I had to name it so I just named it kitten. I couldn't think of anything else." She says suddenly nervous.

Wait. No way! Whaaaaaaatttttt!!!!!

"No way!" I squeal out slamming the door open. "You got me a kitten!" I say as I spot a pink pet carrier. I rush over to see the most beautiful and perfect kitten. A little white fluffy thing with bright blue eyes and a pastel pink collar.

"You have no idea how much this means to me Katya! Did your mom help pick or did you pick?" I ask curiously knowing that she hasn't been able to see her mom in quite a  while and she gets nervous with this sort of stuff.

"I-I... Trixie I did something..." She mumbles growing visibly frustrated with herself. She fiddles with her hands a bit as I wait, giving kittens small pats, before she speaks again. "I-I picked and paid for Kitten by myself." She says looking down to the floor.

I don't even stop to think before rushing over to her and pulling her close to me. Kitten is held gently in one arm and Katya is pulled closer with the other one. "That's so amazing. I'm so, so proud of you." I gush as my heart swells with pride.

I pull back and look at her with a stupid grin on my face. She bites her lip slightly before cupping my face gently. My body freezes for a second as she kisses me softly before I relax into the kiss and pull her closer by the waist.

Her hands slide down my back and down to my ass giving it a gentle squeeze. I can't help but let out a soft moan before I feel Kitten wriggle slightly. I cover their eyes and smile at Katya. "Not in front of the kid. I love you."

"I love you too. Pass Kitten to me." She says putting a hand out for the tiny fluffball before taking her to the carrier and putting it in my en suite. She comes back with a slightly shy smile and those beautiful damn eyes.

"Come here you." I giggle as she comes closer. Her hands go straight for my hips, grabbing them and pulling me close.

"I-is it okay if we... You know?" She asks. I lean in and kiss her with a newfound hunger not even giving an answer. This time it's her turn to moan softly into my awaiting lips as I bit her lip gently. This prompted me to start exploring her mouth with my tongue, the battle for dominance beginning. "You didn't answer me" She mumbles against my lips.

I think for a few seconds. I know I get really wet when I'm horny. I soak through everything and that's something I'm very insecure of. But I trust Katya.

She pushes us back towards my bed until my legs hit it and I disconnect our lips falling into it."Yes. It is." I answer as she rids herself of her clothes and crawls over me. I grab her face and pull her into another kiss and we continue to battle for dominance. It takes a while but I give in and let submission wash over me.

Katyas hands make quick work of removing my work clothes and throws them in the general direction of the washing basket. "Have I ever told you that your body is a literal work of art." She says as she rubs her hands up and down the sides of my body.

I just whine in response as she cups my breasts in her hands kneading them lightly. For her first time she seems overly confident with her actions, especially for her.

I'm Not Sorry - Trixya Where stories live. Discover now