Chapter 8

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Kasie's POV 

"Ugh where am I?" I whispered as I sat up in a white room. Around me, the walls were carved with angels and above all the angels was someone who I thought looked like God. The floor was covered in white tiles and everything was absolutely stunning,
"Welcome" said a voice and I jumped as I quickly turned around in fright.
In front of me was an Asian woman with dark brown hair. She was wearing a white tee with a white skirt that hugged her legs. Her skin was flawless and she had soft waves in her hair as it flowed around her face and lay just above her breasts.
"H-Hi." I stuttered, "Where am I? Who are you? Why am I  here?" I suddenly asked without thinking. She chuckled,
"You will soon find out. Anyways my name is Molly. It's nice too meet you Kasie." she said as she held out her hand
What the fuck...?
I thought and slowly extended my hand and gave her hand a firm shake. As she let go she began walking,
"Please follow me. You have a lot to learn about this place" I quickly got up and followed her, needing answers.

"So first of all, you are in what is called the first stage of dying" she said and I froze,
"What the hell do you mean 'first stage of dying'?!" I screamed she covered her ears and shook her head,
"You might not want to use that kind of language" I rolled my eyes and continued to follow. "So as I was saying, you are in the first stage of dying. This is where your brain begins to shut down, heart stops. You know that kind of thing"
"What if I don't want to die?!" I sobbed and she sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose,
"No one wants to die Kasie. But everything happens for a reason, so now you just need to accept that you are dying." I forced a laugh,
"This is all some big joke isn't it?" she shook her head,
"I'm afraid not." As soon as those words left her mouth, she arrived at a circular door and typed in a code and it opened with a Swoosh! she then walked through it and beckoned me to follow. Not wanting to get left behind I quickly followed and she said "Okay, now we are at the second stage, your permanent death" I gasped and tried running back to the circular door but it had already closed and I didn't know the code to open it. As we continued walking she began to answer my questions.
"The answer for your first question, is that you are on your way to heaven. Like I said earlier, I am Molly, and you are here because your mate accidentally ran you over." I gasped and let out a cry as my hand flew to my mouth. No... no no no! I slowly choked out,
"I-Is there any-any way I c-can see m-my mate one l-last t-time?" she sighed and shook her head AGAIN and whispered,
"I'm sorry, but no" and continued walking. I stopped walking and spat
"How are you so sure I can't?!"
"Because we've had a she-wolf try that and failed. Even here you can become depressed and kill yourself. I know you must be thinking: Oh this is heaven. All sunshine and rainbows where NOTHING goes wrong! Right?" I let out another sob and screamed,
"FUCK YOU! I WANT TO SEE CALEB!" In a flash she was up in my face, her eyes narrowed,
"Watch... your... language, child..." I rolled my eyes
"What are you going to do about it? Bitch." fingers wrapped around my throat and I gasped (If that's possible since I'm being choked :/) and tried prying her fingers off of my throat.
"MOLLY!" A loud voice boomed and her fingers tore away from my throat and I gasped in air. I took a deep breath and looked up as a man who looked to be in his eighties stormed up to her. He had crystal blue eyes, white beard, moustache and hair and he was wearing a white tuxedo
man is everything just white?
I thought and as if he read my mind he said "The only color you can wear here is white. Now Molly..." he said turning to her "... what you have done to this young lady is unacceptable! I am now relieving you of your duties so now you can do what ever you like. Just do not hurt the newcomers ever again!" he boomed and she nodded her head in shame and walked away. Turning to me he sighed "I'm sorry you had to see that. But she was lying about the whole 'you can't go back' thing. If you would like you may leave right now." I gasped and brung my hands up to my mouth,
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! How do I leave though?" he chuckled and said,
"Turn around and see for yourself" and with that I turned around and from nowhere a hole appeared and I could see everything that was going on. I turned to the man and said,
"Thanks again" and he smiled and waved me away so I stepped through the hole and then into darkness...

Beep.... beep.... beep.... beep.... on and on... I tried to open my eyes but only faintly. It's so hard... I tried harder to open my eyes and I got them open just enough to see where I was. Holy shit I'm in the hospital! What happened to me...? Oh yeah I got hit by a truck. But who's truck hit me? I looked beside the bed and saw Caleb sitting on a chair with his arms crossed, sleeping. Awwww he looks so cute when he's sleeping.
I tried saying his name "Caleb..." it barely came out a whisper. I tried again "Caleb... wake... up..." I'm getting there "Caleb.. wake.. up.." his eyes opened and he saw tht my eyes were opened and a smile erupted onto his face,
"Oh my god! Kasie you're alive! I'm so so so so sorry!" he said as he threw his arms around me,
"It's fine.. really Caleb. I know it was an accident." He sniffed,
"But I'm the reason you're in here. It's all my fault!" he sat up and then said "I need to go get a doctor!" and with that he got up and was about to run but he stopped, turned around and kissed my cheek and then ran.

Caleb's POV

Oh my god oh my god oh my god she's alive! I was running through the halls and got to a doctor and panted "Kasie.... is..... awake.... and.... alive..... go..... see..... her..... now...... so...... she...... can..... get..... checked.... then...... out...... of... here..." the doctor stared at me in shock,
"She's alive?!" I nodded my head and we both ran to  her room. I still can't believe that she's alive!

Hey guys it's Jaywolf84 here. Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you have a wonderful day!

My abused mate, Kasie (Will Continue Writing on Jaywolf84's Account)Where stories live. Discover now