Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say that this chapter will be done in Caleb's point of view just in case you become confused while reading. Thanks! 

I stared at her in shock and then quickly snapped out of it, picked her up and ran to my truck and placed her in carefully, I need to get her to a hospital! I could have killed her! It's all my fault! "How could you do that to her?!" my wolf Logan screamed at me and I felt tears prick my eyes,
"I don't know! I was just driving and then someone was in fornt of my truck! I swear I tried to stop!"
I can't cry...
I thought to myself and then I ran over to my side, jumped in and sped off to the nearest werewolf hospital (Yes there are werewolf hospitals here).
"Shit shit shit you Dumbass she isn't breathing you jerk how could you?!"
My wolf cried to me.
"Don't you think I already feel bad about it Logan?!" I snapped at him. I sped up and finally reached the hospital. I parked in the emergency parking lot, my brakes squealing as my truck forces to a stop.
I lurch forward and jump out of the truck. I open the back door and carefully pick her up. Logan was right, she isn't breathing. I started to panic and ran to the hospital doors, closing my truckdoor with my foot in the process. A nurse greeted me at the door and called for an emergency doctor.
"Caleb? What happened?" The doctor and my family friend asked, obviously conflicted with my mates condition.
He looked doubtful as he took my mate and placed her on a stretcher
"She's my mate. Her name is Kasie, Carl I fucked up bad. I hit her with my truck. I had no clue she was even running across the highway."
I said my voice breaking near the end. Carl stopped me at the operation room doors. I sat on the waiting bench feeling empty and lost. Across the hall a doctor came out to a young woman and her four year old daughter, I believe the older woman is malissa and her daughters name is Christian.
I wasn't paying attention to what the doctor said as malissa broke down into tears and her daughter soon after. Malissa... Oh my Godm... she's my dad's beta's wife that means... No not Dave. He's a great guy. I got up and walked over to malissa. "Malissa, what happened?" tears leaked from her eyes as she found her voice.
"Dave is-is dead. A rogue wolf got him" she said crying harder as her daughter curled up to her trying to calm her down.
Such a sweet little girl. I was about to say something when Carl walked out from the operation room. He had blood all over his face and clothing. He had tears in his eyes as he walked up to me.
"Caleb, I'm sorry but she's gone" he opened his mouth to say more but I wasn't listening. A sob shook my body and I let out a piercing howl loud enough for the city to hear. Soon the rest of my pack echoed back to me in howls of sorrow and loss of their Luna.

A\N Hey guys. chloe here. Jaywolf84 and myself worked on this chapter together. She wrote the first bit. Can you guess where we switched off? If so leave a comment and I will tell you if your right. -Chloe ♥

My abused mate, Kasie (Will Continue Writing on Jaywolf84's Account)Where stories live. Discover now