Chapter 5

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"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!?!?!" I screamed as we got further and further away from the school and the boy to my left snapped,
"Shut the hell up!" and whacked me upside the head and I groaned in pain
Caleb please help me...
I thought desperately as I continued to struggle to get out of their grasps.
I'm a werewolf I should be able to fight these guys off!! About 12 minutes later we arrived at a big house with a big door and on it said 'Enter at your own risk' the guys calmly opened the door and dragged me in and then took me up a series of staircases then took me down the 5th floor hallway and threw me into a room.
"You'll be staying here and you will not make any noises what so ever until we come pick you up. Understood?" the guy that was on my right said and I nodded my head while glaring at them and imagined tearing their head's off of their shoulders.
"Why are you keeping me here anyways?" I hissed,
"Aren't you late for doing all the dirty work for the bitch?"
"YOU WILL NOT TALK ABOUT ANDREA THAT WAY!!" the boys roared and I giggled at how they looked. The veins on their necks were sticking out and their faces were red, all their muscles standing at attention.
"Ahh so the bitch's name is Andrea. Well can you give her a message?" they looked at each other and nodded, "Tell her that I will get out and when I do I will make sure her life is a living hell" and with that I got up and punched them both in their stomachs and they bent down and groaned as I whispered in their ears,
"That punch was part of the message" and then I walked over to the bed and sat down on it and smiled at them like I didn't even punch them in their stomachs.
Once they left I let myself have a look at the room, it had white plain walls with a small coffee table in the far corner, it had a small window with dark red curtains.
The floor was an oak bown with a pink and black rug and in the middle of it was the bitch Andrea, with her make-up caked face. I scoffed at the rug and rolled it up and threw it into the closet that was right beside the window. As I entered the closet I noticed that it was a huge walk in closet and I whispered bitterly to myself,
"Are they trying to spoil me or did they put me in the wrong fucking room?"
I sighed and then walked over to the bed as I felt tired and I laid down and closed my eyes, letting sleep take me away...

I woke up with a start and it felt like I hadn't even slept. I groaned and looked at my watch, HOLY SHIT IT'S ALREADY 10:30 PM!!!!!! Outside the door I heard people partying and I groaned and decided to piss them off... by singing at the top of my lungs "THIS IS THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDS AND IT GOES ON AND ON MY... NOT SO FRIENDS, PEOPLE STARTED SIGNING IT NOT KNOWING WHAT IT WAS THEN CONTINUED SIGNING IT FOREVER JUST BECAUSE," 

6 hours later I'm still singing the song when the guy who was holding my right arm bursts into the room and yells,
I laughed loudly and then 'shut up' for him. About a half an hour later I began singing again "I'M A LITTLE TEAPOT, SHORT AND STOUT! HERE IS MY HANDLE, HERE IT MY SPOUT! WHEN I GET ALL STEAMED UP HERE ME SHOUT! JUST TIP ME OVER AND POUR ME OUT!!!!!" I took a deep breath and continued even louder than before "I'M A CLEVER TEAPOT, YES IT'S TRUE! HERE'S AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT I CAN DO! I CAN CHANGE MY HANDLE TO MY SPOUT! JUST TIP ME OVER AND POUR... ME... OOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when I finished my throat was dry and I coughed and I walked over to the door and pounded on it two times, then three times. Two minutes later, Andrea whipped open the door and hissed,
"Can I have a drink?" I asked politely and she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes,
Then slammed the door in my face

~Andrea's Point Of View~

As I slammed the door in her face I stomped down the stairs and into the kitchen and I grabbed out a plastic cup and slammed it down on the counter  and then decided to take deep breaths before I decided to kill the bitch. As I filled the cup with water I sighed and then walked up the stairs and then pounded on her door. As soon as my fist broke apart from the door she opened the door and plucked the cup from my hands and then slammed the door in my face. I growled and I heard her laugh from the other side of the door

~Kasie's Point Of View (Again)~ 

As I finished my water I sighed in relief and then my mind wandered to Caleb...
Where is he now?
Do you think he's even looking for me now?
Will he forgive me for running away from him like that?
Ugh all these questions and no answers! I sighed and then decided I need to sleep... NO YOU NEED TO LET ME OUT! PLEASE! I WANT OUT!!!!! my wolf screamed and I cringed, "Can you be more quiet?"  THEN LET ME OOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT!!! "Okay okay" I said and shifted and walked around the room and when I heard footsteps approaching I shifted and quickly put on my clothes and lay down on 'my' bed and drifted off to sleep.
"WAKE UP!" someone snapped in my ear and I jumped up and punched whatever was by my ear,
"What the hell was that for?!" I snapped as I rubbed my left ear and Andrea giggled, being the bitch she is,
"Oh nothing. I just needed you awake" I rolled my eyes and turned over onto my side and placed the pillow over my ears and tried to drown out her annoying voice. As I was just beginning to fall asleep she screamed again! I groaned in annoyance and glared at her as she fucking giggled AGAIN! Fucking bitch I thought bitterly and then sat up I wish I could pound her face to the ground. That should shut her up... I smiled faintly at my thought as she snapped,
"What's so fucking funny?!"
"Oh nothiiiiiiiiiing" I said holding the 'i' for about 6 seconds and smiled as she rolled her eyes, "Whaaaaaaaat?" I asked again, "Why are you rolling your eeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyeeeesssss?" she quickly balled up her fists and I smiled at her and then screamed, "SOMEONE'S BEHIND YOU!" she quickly turned around and then I punched her behind the head and she fell to the ground, unconscious Now's my chance! I quickly got up and ran out of the room and down the stairs when the people downstairs stared at me with curiosity and I slowly backed up while looking at them with fake fear. Shit what the fuck do I do...? 

My abused mate, Kasie (Will Continue Writing on Jaywolf84's Account)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz