Chapter 2

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As soon as I got to my first class I sighed in relief. I slowly walked in to see everyone's eyes on me and I began to feel self conscious so I wrapped my arms around myself and snapped "Why don't you fuckers just take a picture? It'll last longer." I snarled and almost immediately, everyone stopped staring at me and I glared at everyone then went to a spot in the back and began to stare out the window, only half listening to what the teacher was saying. "Miss. May!" my teacher Mr. Hawk snapped and I looked at him and snapped,
"What?" He sighed and said,
"Please pay attention to this lesson. It is worth most of your mark for this term" I rolled my eyes and groaned,
"Fine... Just know I won't be listening much but at least I'll be listening right?" he rolled his eyes and placed his index finger an thumb on the bridge of his nose and he asked,
"Are we seriously going to have the same argument again Miss. May?" I put on a fake smile and said,
"Why yes. Now please, continue on with your bullshit"
"That's it! Go to office. NOW!" he boomed and all I saw was a vision of my dad screaming at me so I quickly got up and backed away "O-Okay. Just p-p-please don't hurt me!" and all the kids stared at me like I was a phycho path. Well I guess you can see why people tease me huh? As I got iut of class, I turned around and booked it down the hallway, not laying attention to where I was going. As I was running, I collided with a body and I quickly scrambled up and kept running, not even stopping to appologize to who I ran into. I just ran and ran. I'm never going to escape this nightmare!!!

Two hours later I was sitting in a corner shaking with fear, as my father was coming to get me. Damn it! Why did I have to say that to Mr. Hawk in class?! I am soooo dead! Putting my head in my hands I let out a sob and just let the tears flow out, I don't know how bad this beating will be but I know it's going to be bad! I just hope that... that they don't use the knife on me again. I looked at the palm of my hand and cried more. I'm probably going to have scars all over my body thanks to my little scene today! Just then I heard the door open and the voice that haunts me, "Hi. I am here to pick up my daughter." The principle pointed at me and I curled up into a bal and just wished that the floor would swallow me up.
"H-Hey Daddy..." I whispered,
"Don't be afraid of me darling." he said with a really convincing fake smile then put his hand in mine and began sqeezing hard and I tried my best to keep in a yelp of pain. So I just forced on a fake smile and asked,
"May I go to the bathroom real quick?" he rolled his eyes then gripped my shoulder with his other hand and said,
"You can wait until we get home. Okay sweetie?" He looked up at the principle, "Thank you for calling me" he said and she rolled her eyes and waved her hand as if to dismiss us,
"Yea yea, now get out" Dad rolled his eyes then pulled me out and out to the truck and threw me in then got in on his side and started the truck before he started driving. About 2 minutes later, he yelled at me,
"SO YOU SNAPPED AT YOUR TEACHER?!" I shrunk down in my seat and whispered,
"Y-Yes Daddy. I-I'm sorry though... I-I got m-mad so I s-snapped..." he slammed on the brakes making me go flying forward and whack my nose against the dashboard and he hissed,
"Get the hell out. NOW!" I quickly obeyed as I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped out onto the gravel as we were surrounded by trees. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. "Don't you dare cry, you little worthless bitch!" he hissed as he approached me and said,
"Now don't you dare scream or you will get hurt even more than you deserve right now" and with that he uppercut me right in the jaw and I clenched my teeth and took a deep breath as he took out his knife and sliced my left leg and I tried my best to stop myself from crying out in pain.
In the distance I heard a twig snap so I whispered,
"D-Daddy someone's in th-the wo-woods..." and with that he cleaned off the knife and put it away and snapped "I don't give a shit if they see you like this. You deserve to die you whore!" and with that he slapped me across the face and I fell back. Just as I landed on the ground, I saw a huge brown and black wolf jump out and tackle my dad to the ground as it snapped its jaws and growled lowly. My dad snarled at the wolf and shifted and pinned the black and brown one to the ground and I screamed at my dad,
"DAD GET OFF OF THE WOLF! YOU'LL HURT IT!!!" and grabbed a rock and whipped it at my dad's side. His eyes snapped to mine and he jumped off the wolf and advanced toward me. I desperately tried to shift but my leg was so hurt and I whispered in pain. I didn't have the strength to shift right now, so I grabbed more rocks and kept throwing them at him. One hit him in his left eye and he me out a yelp of pain and then the wolf jumped up and pounced on my dad's back, biting down on his shoulder and my dad howled in pain and then rolled over, knocking the wolf off of his back and his eyes shifted to black and then I knew it, he's losing control.
I cried into my hands and then felt something inside me, something like a need to protect that wolf and I felt my bones cracking and shifting to a wolf's body posture.
I snarled as I finished shifting and lunged at my dad sending him sprawling to the ground and I bared my teeth and bit down on his neck hard. From behind me I heard the wolf get up and nuzzle my neck as a sign to let go and I did. In the mind link my father yelled at me in a hoarse voice,"YOU ARE GOING TO BE DEAD BY THE TIME THE SUN SETS!!!" I cringed away from him and put my tail in between my legs. The wolf looked at me in pity and nudged me up and licked my face as I whimpered softly while staring at my father as he was growling at me. I managed to growl back at him and went in front of the wolf, blocking my father's path to him. From the mind link again my father snapped "Move out of my way now you slut!" Inside of me, something snapped so I let out a snarl and lunged at him and bit down on his neck again and whipped it to the side, breaking his neck and I snarled "I am not a slut! You fucking dick!!" After I shouted that, I felt my rage begin to ease and I felt the pain my leg begin to grow and grow. I slowly limped over to a patch of grass and I laid down. Beginning to lick the blood off my leg and then opened my jaws in a huge yawn and closed my eye. I let sleep wash over me, sending me to a place where my father can't get me...

My abused mate, Kasie (Will Continue Writing on Jaywolf84's Account)Where stories live. Discover now