Chapter Twenty five

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Sam in a state of panic forced himself into the van. He prayed that God would spare Franca's life. They had both gone through turbulent times in their lives. Why does happiness always seem to evade us? He internally asked himself as he held Franca's hand delicately, as she had drips in her hand. He smoothed her hair wishing this reality was just a dream he could wake up from, but the continuous sound of the machine waked him up from his wishful thinking.

They arrived at the hospital swiftly, wheeling Franca inside, with Sam beside her, holding unto her hand.

"I am sorry, but we can't let you into the operation room" a nurse said.

"I am a friend of Franca's"

"Okay, please wait in the waiting area until the doctor comes out"

"Thanks ma'am" Sam replied, moving back and forth around the waiting area, praying fervently that nothing drastic would happen to her. Looking around the hospital he could see many sorrowful, sad facial expressions. A woman was crying inconsolably after being told that her son had died. Sam felt sympathetic towards her and continued praying that God would heal Franca.

The wait lasted for six hours before a doctor came out of the theatre room to inform Sam of the result. Sam could hear a doctor asking a nurse some questions.

"Nurse, is there someone waiting for Franca Brown?"

"Yes doctor, this way" She said leading him towards the direction of where Sam was.

Sam found the doctor's voice distinctive and was certain that it was familiar. It couldn't be him could it? Whilst pondering on the recognition of the voice he had heard, he turned when he heard the same voice utter his name.

"Sir, are you Sam, Franca Brown's friend?"

Sam never thought he would see his face ever again, but he past always had the habit of springing some events, although in this case it was a person; to the present.

"Wow, Sam, it has been such a long time and it is a pity that we meet under such circumstances"

Tyler had been shocked to find that it was Franca, whilst he was conducting the surgery on her, but he had to be calm and collected as his profession necessitated. Remembering his oath of allegiance to the medical profession, that he needed to maintain a professional attitude and Franca was his patient, so was under his care, he stepped back to reveal a detached professional manner, he said

"Franca's is doing well, she had some concussions and it is a miracle that her spinal cord/ vertebra column was not fractured. She needs some rest, but should regain consciousness after relaxation"

"Thank God" Sam said kneeling down and praising God for saving her life.

"All glory be to God" Tyler said admiring Sam's compassionate nature

"I have got to attend to the other patients now Sam, you will be able to communicate with her tomorrow"

"Thanks doctor"

Life has a funny way of bringing back the past. Sometimes the present is so interwoven into the past that it becomes an ordeal to separate the past from the present. A thin line becomes created because they sometimes feel merged together, but only particular events could make one difference from both. God had planned this, Sam finally concluded, because it just couldn't just be fate that caused both he and Tyler to become a doctor. It was just too incidental that it could be a coincident.

He ran his hand through his hair, which had become laden with sweat; and his tear streaked face with unshed tears still present in his eyes. Franca's incident had taken a toll on him, physically, mentally and emotionally. He quietly walked to a toilet nearby to splash water on his face to revive him to enable him drive home safely.

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