A New Dawn Rises

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EVERYONE FOLLOW ME. I yelled echoing through corridors and rooms. Hundreds of POWS all wearing standard orange jumpsuits raced alongside me.

Kira and Jameson's conversation:

So what's the plan Jameson you got us all out, but where knee deep in the wolf den.

Were gonna take one of the advanced cruisers there fitted with petrosite weaponry and shields.

Sounds fun but how we gonna get on to it? Every soldier is going to the hangar bays or hunting us?

Easy, were gonna take the chairmen as our way in.

I couldn't believe what I was doing once again. I turned my back for good on the people helghan.....my people. What they wanted was wrong we were betrayed at the treaty to gain helghan as a home but to destroy one of innocence. No it was my choice to change to the ISA and bring a end this war once and for all.

Racing through corridors and impaling anyone who got in our way we made it to the chairman's office at last. Inside he sat there slouched in his chair with his feet kicked up. He was expecting us. He didn't say nothing as was flooded the room the others barking commands as I checked the room. He was poorly gaurded with two bodygaurds at his door I couldnt wrap my head around it at all. The next thing I know there dragging stahl out the door kira giving me a grin and a move of her head to push on. We walked around like we owned the place now at last we were had the advantage. Any soldier we encountered dropped thier weapons and raised there hands up in a act of surrender. No one followed and no one told the facility what we were about to do. Was it because they were on our side they wanted nothing more than peace among us? Or was it pure fear that drove them to surrender.

We dwelled not on our thoughts inching closer to the bays and with a swift motion of a hand scanner we were starring at the chairman's flagship the H.N Unity.  A dreadnaught with a cannon as wide as the ship herself. At this point we were home free it was only a matter of time before we able to finish this.

Entering the ship via elevator was risky but we had to we encountered the chairman's personal loyal army who put up a fight but nothing could stop my blade at this point. The bridge was filled with officers weak but intelligent the others wasted no time gathering them and ensuring they wouldn't cause a problem. Walking along the glass walkway was cold, all my life i thought I was gonna die in that shack and now I'm standing here attempting to do what no other has done before turning around the others looked at me smiles filled with confidence and motivation. They parted to show me the command chair, the chairman's seat sitting down everything lit up and everyone took a post it was time.....to finish this war one way or another.

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