Revaluation upon myself

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The interrogation didn't go so well as expected, she gave me a state of death and betrayal. Her eyes filled with anger her fists clenched with rage. Walking out she screamed threats and cries out of death. I hesitantly walked out of the room though looking back at her for a few moments.

I was happy with her, I was happy with the ISA they made me one of there's and blindly trusted me. They trusted me and I delivered one of the most dangerous troops to Radec himself. I feel lost, more cold than ever before my mother what would she think of me. Would she be proud of me being loyal or would she to feel betrayal her own son doing this awful mission. From the start I lead them to traps, ambushes and corners. The tracking device, the secret com channel all of it was part of the plan. I was surprised though how effective the plan was, Radec explicitly stated that we were the only ones that knew of this operation. Gone to the extent to send assassins after me while he was at it, I wonder how they took the news let alone were going to achieve their goal I know a couple want me dead since I'm Radec's favourite.

I feel strange tho, I feel like I belonged with the ISA Kira and the rest took me in. The conditions were just like home but I wasn't alone. From the streets to the jungle they stuck by me. The ISA are persistent though a few dozen was able to take out a few platoons of troopers from the reports.

Leaving I could hear Kira's cries her threats and anger fill the facility. Walking through the labs and holding cells I was surprised to see the rest of the pack all calm and quiet. Two badly injured probably two the hounds took. The armour was shredded in a few places, the gaurds had there way of "surpression". Regular and private military forces patrolled the halls and protected the scientists, more like ensuring they do there job and do it right. I've seen scientists rushed to ICU sections beaten to a inch of life.

Walking through a rather larger tunnel I entered without really knowing the drydocks. Looking in I was in shock as to what I seen. A gigantic three legged Machine that towered over everything with a canon the size of out capitol. Seeing ships with advanced defence and offensive technology. I seen containers and tanks filled with radiated petrosite. Stahl's ace up the sleeve I see it. The men were proud of this accomplishment, but I wasn't. I feel wrong I truly feel like I'm on the wrong side but I don't know what to do, I see I must change but how.

So what did y'all think? Please feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter sorry it took so long lost track but I'll be sure to get back on schedule have an awesome day if you fancy leave a vote and I love y'all peace

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