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Time so much time passed before the light finally came back into my eyes. Kira was asleep on my arm. I didn't want to wake her, but I couldn't lay here anymore. My attempt to slip my arm out of her arms was a failure. Concerned she checked me from head to toe I could feel her fear and worries as if they were my own.

I stopped her when she was in my reach, we looked at each other not saying a word. Our eyes locked no words spoken but she could tell she had nothing to worry about that I was fine.
I told her... everything that was said between me and Radec. I possibly said to much though as she Changed the look in her face.

I reassured her in a few moments to come after. She told me that my once great leader has fallen the mission was complete. Now it was time to leave captain Narville gave the evacuation order to all troops. I knew we had to be swift I jumped out of the cot and prepared to move out. Pulling the tarp back from the makeshift med tent. Looking around I seen much bigger dropships come out of the air landing on the ground in seconds. Vehicles and troops all rushed into the transports ready to go home. Wolfpack got into a smaller ship though. The space cruisers were ready to pick up everyone and leave.

Suddenly I heard a horn emitting through the city. I knew what it meant. Catching the attention of a few transports I told them to break off of the formation the helghans were about to fire a railgun. It wasn't any ordinary railgun instead of high concentration of energy it used petrosite. A flash of greenlight grew in the heart of the city with a suction like a vacuum growing louder. With one swift turn of the head a green beam when soaring past our transport. Looking it hit one of the cruisers causing a chain of explosions to begin. Evading rockets and cannons the captain gave a new order.

"T...his captain Narv.. all transports......the jungle...... immediately".

We didn't know exactly what he said except go into the jungle. With out question we diverted course and went towards the jungle into another hell. The jungle was basically one thing. All of it wanted to kill you physically or mentally your pick.i knew things weren't going to plan and the jungle must be a last resort. I only hope the jungle doesn't consume us.

Hey guys like I said this was gonna be a little short I had a tough day but anyway consider leaving a comment and follow for the latest on this story and updates once again I ask you to check out my new friend AkshuMenon look at her newest book Peter Pan The Killer it's a great book but enough of that I hope you guys have an amazing day and a new thing
What could you do to be more positive? Think about it and as always stay classy

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