The Wolf Among Us

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A new assassin enters the playing field of this "hunt"

Oh how this will be fun, a hunt against one of the most dangerous soldiers from the grand army. They'll commemorate bayley as the woman who brought in the greatest traitor in all of helghan. I'm not alone in this, others are bound to be coming if I remember there was six others only this is how close are they.

The council said at all cost and I hate competitors, it'll be so simple to Eliminate them as well the council won't know what happened the will only see that I was the only successor. Jameson you stupid soldier there's a price for everything and. About to collect.

Wolf pact gathered in a makeshift barracks.

Demoralised, loss of hope , surrender, all these things were racing through our minds. We were about to infiltrate a highly fortified and gaurded drydocks, that is holding a prototype assault cruiser that we need to take over. We were about to go into the belly of the beast, but we have me I was trained on lower levels of the facility. It will be hard though they know I have turned and they will probably have shut down my clearance.

There's one thing that is personally running through my mind. Is my mother there? And can I be able to get out of this suit and feel human again.

Kira pulled me aside to tell me something. Before words came out of either of our mouths she hugged me, tears slowly flowed down her face.
"Jameson I'm so sorry I didn't mean to you look like a hig, and I didn't mean too." "Kira it's fine it's understandable don't dwell on this everyone makes mistakes"

I wiped the tears from her face the lights reflected in her blue eyes she slowly kissed my cheek. Stepping away her face grew a smile. She then jumped up excitement saying she has an idea to tell me from the others.

Within a matter of a few spray cans and a couple of hours my armour was decorated to look like a black wolf. Jet black paint was sprayed over anywhere white and light grey streaks around the indents on my helmet, along with changing my red eyes to light blueish eyes my shoulders baring the ISA markings over the helghans.

I felt human for one since I became a part of this war I felt human. Upon leaving everyone starred at me. Every step cheers were let out chanting soon followed "WOLF PACK WOLF PACK WOLF PACK" Howls were let out by everyone. I let out a deep and trembling war cry of my own. That moment we all regained hope and morale was boosted all the way back to vectan.

Roses pov
Wolf painted armour? This is what all got them worked up? These ISA soldiers are more pathetic than I thought. And Jameson , it's clear now your intentions are there's no bringing you back alive. You truly are a traitor to your people, now to figure out what you and your "pack" is up to.

Bayley pov
I understand what that is supposed to symbolise yes, but this shows how sad and desperate they are to gain some sort of morale. Your time will come Jameson. I need to know though what your up to hopefully intercept or even let troops know to prepare.

I never seem these troops so happy and full of life. Now to get ready to form up and end this.

Hours past the jungle slowly became snow, the living vegetation soon became frozen and dead mountains. We landed a couple of miles away from the facility in hopes we haven't been detected by patrols, cameras or sensors. We had to traverse the deadly frozen mountains at any moment our feet could break the fragile ice and fall to our deaths.

Winds were rough and powerful it feels like I'll be blown off the side. The six of us were quick and agile. When everything was going well we were soon met with a terrifying obstacle, SNOW RAVAGERS UP TOP! Looking up the glowing red and amber lights lit up the clouds as they tore through them with haste. The fast and heavey movements caused an avalanche. It felt like half the damn mountain fell off looking up chunks and shards was falling to the ground. Two of the crew were struck by the side of the mountain while two more were captured by the ravagers and swiftly taken away. My adrenaline implant kicked in, in seconds I threw Kira on my back and within seconds I leaped to the mountain the facility rested on.

It's just me and her now, the last of wolf pack. I could sense she death gripped to me she knew I wouldn't let her get hurt. I climbed us to a ventilator tearing the grate off and leaping us into the shaft.

We were in the heart of the hornets nest. We were in deep shit two soldiers versus one of the most heavily guarded facilities in all of helghan. Still we have a mission and I have a personal vendetta to settle.

Bayley contacting the helghan council
"Gentlemen  I found him, wouldn't guess where though he has balls he's infiltrated the frozen drydocks alert the facility, but don't go on high alert if they think there in noticed we can get them in the heart of a trap that I'll spring".

Oh how thisll be a fun day he will get to see a few surprises in store in time he'll witness his personal hell.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed things will start to change from. This point in the story remember to vote if you fancy and if you know someone who likes this kinda stuff see if they'll give this a shot anyway I hope y'all have a good day and stay crazy y'all.

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