Codename Osiris

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The metal the felt infused to my body was heavy. Cold and making noise every step I took. Radec's personal capture troopers helped me get used to the feel. Looking through the helmets HUD felt different every little thing analysed. After getting used to it the engineers walked over to a table to grab a metal brick of something. They told me to extend my arm out with my palm facing the floor. They carefully slid the brick in place on my arm.

Looking at it closer it was a retractable blade. "It was crafted from the strongest steel on helghan". Radec said it to me in my helmet. After a few more evaluations and getting more used to the suit the engineers cleared me for the go ahead. Walking through the doors everyone stopped in there tracks and all conversations went silent. Dozens of eyes were beating down on me the glowing eyes melting in to the back of my skull.

  Along the way Radec explained I will be given brief training due to lack of time. In simpler terms his fighting tactics were quantity over quality. I was given three weeks of training when the average was three months. The three weeks past fastly to the point it felt like yesterday I was stepping off the carrier, I was granted the rank of commander. Walking through the corridors and rooms I've trained in felt nostalgic. I came to one that said ceremony room. Stepping through there seemed like a hundred capture troopers on both sides sitting down. Walking down the center row after row stood up and faced me. As I got to the end Radec walked down a set of stairs and stopped In front of me. "Jameson I collected you from poverty to become something great. I was right three weeks later and you have become a strong and dangerous soldier. This is your rebirth into our nation, and no longer to be known as Jameson. From this moment forward you will be called Osiris." As he ended that last sentence roars and cheers let out behind me shaking the room. At this moment tomorrow I'd realised I'll be shipped off to deploy my great home from the bastards who call themselves ISA.  Jameson was truly dead Osiris has been born.

If you stuck through this long thank you so much and I promise I have more stories coming and please let your friends know if there wanting something knew also leave a comment saying your thoughts and I'll reply and possibly start a conversation have an amazing day yall

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