Welcome To Wolfpack

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A thousand eyes starred me down every step I took. Soldiers rushed to mounted machine guns ready to fire away. Kira escorted me to a tent that looked like it had better days. Stepping inside wasn't a walk in the park as I had a shotgun barrel pressed against my head.

"What's the meaning of all this Kira"?
"Please he said he has came to our side he's seen the truth and now wants to fight for what's right".
I stepped forward with more barrels greeting me. The captain was respectful to hear me. A few minutes of me explaining past, but he finally said something.
" Ok Jameson I trust you now don't make me regret this you've given us alot it's time to earn your place. Kira is now your captain your with her till the end clear"? "Yes captain I understand and I won't let you down".

Me and Kira stepped outside for a second just the two of us." Thanks Kira for everything with out you I'd probably be dead if I stepped foot here". " No problem Jameson but speaking of which you are one of us but you must look the part". Smiling she went by one of the transports and got a bucket she also found a brush on the ground near it. Telling me to hold still she brushed black oil on my armor. She explained it will save me as I now bear the mark of the wolf. " There you now look like us Jameson I officially welcome you to Wolfpack of the ISA scout and assassin division". A smile was on her face as each word left her soft and soothing lips. I stood now in the closet thing to the center of the camp. Once again all eyes were looking at me only this time with curiosity. Kira explained I am an ISA soldier and that I have deserted the helghans for they were the true enemy.

I no longer had a cold feeling I no longer felt like a dying man in a desert. Among these soldiers and Kira I felt happy, I haven't felt like this in months. Me and Kira's eyes meet once again a smile grew on both of our faces before we finally came back to the harsh reality of war. The captain in charge told us our new mission. Everyone that could fight gathered around. With help from all the information I gave they could make a tremendous blow to the helghans defence. The only problem was there wasn't alot of troops to pull it off. Seeing where this was going Kira stepped forward volunteering Wolfpack for the mission. The captain approved and briefed us further in the situation.

He said there was a overpass overlooking a bunker. The overpass also provided a safer means to move helghan troops. Our mission was to blow the overpass to make a whole in the line of defence. A few of the men cheered joking about getting to use there explosives finally. After gearing up everyone stopped to look at me.

"Hey where's his gun"? One of the bulkier men said to Kira.
"Jameson show em".
I didn't hesitate to deploy my two foot blade and wrist flamethrower. Everyone backed up impressed alot were glad I was on there side. I believe they never seen a capture trooper. At the same time we are fierce and no one has lived to tell the tale when met by us.

* Said in Jameson's mind*
All I need to do is show them I was devoted to there side. That and there might be something between me and Kira i don't know yet.

Kira told all of us it's go time get on the transports. It was a 10 man job with one transport. The pilot was reluctant to let me on top of his ship. Instead I hung off the side like a deranged mad man. The others seen it amusing but me I was only pressed as to how I could do this. It was hard to kill the enemy but now I mustn't hesitate to kill my own flesh and blood.

Hey y'all hope your still enjoying the story sorry it's abit late remember to vote I don't quite know how that works but other than that I hope y'all have a spectacular day and as always stay classy.

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