As Darkness Engulfs The Light

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I felt numb,cold dead it was all my fault. Kira knelt beside me to reassure me. "Jameson it's going to be ok were going to find her, but we have to keep pushing your mother wouldn't want you to be like this". My mother always talked about one day I'll do great things I'll have the power to change the greater good.

Maybe she was right, or maybe not. I can't see her face or feel her in my heart anymore as if she vanished into the void forever. I will find you mom this is my promise.

We needed to leave the ground shook with fear as ravagers came closer. " HUNTING PARTY GET DOWN"! Kira screamed out to everyone. The transport tried to escape but was quickly shot down by a barrage of middles fired upon him. We all ran a couple blocks down the street when I remembered something.

Rushing over to a bus stop I pushed the shelter off to the side to reveal a giant stairwell. It was to the metro that was sealed by the helghan military police to reduce the homeless and poverty percentage. We all quickly leaped down into the darkness below. The wailing call of the ravagers grew closer to us. I remembered in training they have vision able to see body heat even through walls. "Run they can still see us"! The others caught on to what I meant.

The farther into the metro we went the darker and colder it became. It was different this time because I didn't have my helmet. In my anger I slung it into the inferno feet away from me.

It was cold, colder than the a mountains peak. No one has set foot in these tunnels for years. We all knew what the real reason behind the condeming of the metro really was. It wasn't just to keep squatters out trains derailed and crashed killing hundreds.

Walking blindly in the dark the tunnel trembled around us as more bombardment happened. Cracks in the ceiling gave us light. It was small hairline cracks ,but it felt marvelous. As we adjusted to the darkness we saw Infront of us an ancient relic.

We were standing Infront of the metro train accident. A chill ran down my spine like a mouse down a hole. On the other side we could see an orb of light. We must be close to the dry dock for the train yard they have exit tunnels leading to the surface. The others were cheerful to hear the news but first we need to make our way through the train.

Every step I took added on weight looking around were the skeletal remains of the victims. " Jameson do you hear that"? " Oh my god there ALIVE all of them there here can't you see them"! Panicking I seen everyone was seeing the illusion of the spirits trapped here. I grabbed everyone together and shook them trying everything to knock reality back into them.

A few moments passed and soon everyone calmed down have a horrific but confused look on there face. Exiting the last car Kira stopped me pulling me to the side. " Thank you Jameson without you we would have all lost our minds in there". Before I could let a sound out of my voice she slowly kissed me and grabbed my hand leading me to push on. Walking out of the metro exit tunnels felt like gaining my freedom back from prison.

We needed to regroup and figure out our next move. Walking away I felt a burning sensation in the back of my skull as if someone was watching me from behind. Turning around I surveyed the area looking for anyone. A light caught my eye and on the overlook was Radec on the back of a ravager.

Yes I know cliffhanger I do apologize for people who get angry I want to take a second and thank you for taking a moment to read this I'm going to start publishing more than one chapter remember to follow for the latest have an amazing day and always stay classy
Also I forgot to mention im curious to know what you the reader think will happen next leave your thoughts on what might come next

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