Chapter 7: The reoccurring nightmare

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A/N Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting chapters very much, I am really busy at school and haven't had much time to update. Now I'm on holidays so I'll try to write some chapters in advance so I can still update on Saturdays :) Enjoy

Ebony’s POV

*in a dream*

I walk out of school after having a 2 hour detention. The cold winter air hits me as soon as I walk out the door, it is only 5:30, but it was already dark. I have such good parents, making me walk home when it’s dark? And when I’m only 11? Damn, I haven’t even gotten my werewolf strength yet.

I walk down a street and I’m suddenly taken by two people, who try to blindfold me. I resist, trying to push their hands or the bandana away, but one of them grabs my hands and ties them behind my back. A streak of light shines on his face and my eyes widen almost as much as his do, these boys were from my pack, but they were a few years older than me, I think they were in year 10, Trent and Connor. They tell me to be quiet and to calm down then take me somewhere I had no idea where because I cannot see and I’m terrified. They then start touching me and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I couldn’t stop crying, even when they ran off because someone had heard me make a shrieking noise before one of them covered my mouth before they fled I felt the bandana around my hands loosen, one of the boys had untied my hands, I also take off the blindfold and look where I am, everything looks different at night. I just stayed where I was, crying silent tears and trembling, whimpering every now and then.

*out of dream*

I wake up with a scream, tears falling down my face. Calm down Ebony, it’s just a dream, just a dream. I pull my knees up to my chest and gently rock back and forth; most nights I’ll have these dreams from what happened all those years ago, in seventh grade. I never told anyone about what happened, they probably wouldn’t have believed me anyway, Connor is the Beta’s son, and he would probably be around 21 now. Every time we lock eye contact he looks at me with regret and sadness. We have never talked or even been near each other for long, before one of us leaves the room, usually me.

I got so into my thoughts hear a knock on my window, let out a small whimper and jump around, so fast I swear I could have gotten whip-lash. I see who it was, Ashton. I cautiously go over to the window, which I had previously locked and open it. Ashton climbs in and asks me “What’s wrong, I felt your pain, are you hurt, did someone break in?” he sounded authentically worried, I keep my eyes down.

“I’m fine, it was just a dream. You can go now, you’ve checked up on me.”

“It must’ve been a pretty bad dream for you to cry. You never cry.” Ashton replies softly

“Do you want to tell me what the dream was about?” Ashton says. I grimace, not really willing to tell me, I could feel tears brimming in my eyes.

“Ok Ivy, you don’t have to tell me, its ok, you’ll be ok” Ashton walks up to my bed as I moved back on the bed, he froze, and then I slowly move towards him, until we are a few inches apart. He bends down and kisses me on my forehead, and wipes a tear from falling down my face, and then turns to leave.

“Please stay,” I start, I see his back muscles stiffen and he turns around, even I was surprised at what I had said.

“Are you sure?” He asks and I nod in response.

Ashton then sits next to me on the bed, and I hug him, instantly feeling 150 times better, and the memories of the dream gone. He hugs back and whispers “I’m sorry Ivy, so, so sorry, I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again”

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