Chapter 1-Second day of school

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A/N The photo is Ebony's wolf tattoo.

Ebony's POV

I wake up to the sound of the alarm on my iPhone. I reluctantly don't press the snooze button and leave the warmth of my bed, it was already 8:30am, and school starts at 9:00am.Urg I hate the start of term. Today was the second day of term 2. I grab my dressing gown and I make my way to the bathroom where my twin sister Ivy was just coming out. Everything we share the same 5'7" height, the same hair colour, the same parents... obviously, except two things, I have a tattoo of a wolf on my lower back, and that everyone believes that Ivy is me and I am Ivy. Another story for another time.

I am the eldest, so they think she is the eldest, and has the Alpha blood. I let Ivy have all the glory of being me and being popular, because that's what I do for family, she asked me back in seventh grade if we could swap personalities because she wanted to be popular, so I accepted. I kind of shut people out around this period of time, and of course everyone else was oblivious to our little swap. Not even my parents know about that. It has been like this since we started school at Wolf claw academy, which is an all werewolf high school from year 7 to year 12. Ivy and I went to a primary school where there were not many other werewolves, and it was a big change to go to Wolf claw. By the way my real name is Ebony, 66th most popular name in 1997 in Australia, the year I was born, it means kind, caring, helpful, always happy, which is complete bullsh*t, I guess my parents named me that because I'm the future Alpha and all.

After I'm done in the bathroom, I go back into my room and put my school uniform on and pack my schoolbag. Then I go downstairs and get some breakfast. Ivy is already gone; my parents would've driven her to school. I put my bowel in the sink, brush my teeth and go outside and pass my black Porsche, our school doesn't allow students to drive any sort of 'motor vehicle' to school, one rule I hate. I'm stuck with walking to school. I check my watch and its 9:15am, if I walk slow enough I could miss first period all together, my first period is math's which I hate, actually I hate school all together.

When I go through the doors of my school I'm not surprised that the hallways are practically empty, in a few minutes though, when the bell goes, the hallways would be filled with people. I continue walking to my locker and while I'm unlocking my lock the bell goes. I grab my books and make my way to science lab 4, where I have biology. When I get in, everyone is already seated, and there is only one seat left. Next to Ashton, my least favourite person. Oh joy! It's even worse because we share almost all our classes together because we are in the same form.

*Flashback to last year*

I shove my bag into my locker, and grab my books. I start walking down the corridor to English when I see none other than Ashton Clark, future alpha of the Lunar Midnight pack, walking my way.

"Going to be late B*tch, better hurry up and get to class." He said when we were about 10 meters away from each other. I turned around as he passed me and said "Well you've got to go too unless you don't want your daddy to be angry you got a detention, you don't want that now do you?" he stopped dead in his tracks, turned on his heels and walked back up to me, and stopped right in front of me, I didn't flinch at all.

"My father couldn't care less about me being late. He didn't even remember it's my birthday today, I bet you're spoilt rotten and everything goes right for you, hey?" it was his birthday that day; he would've found his mate.

"Aww boo hoo hoo, your daddy doesn't care about you, I'm sure he doesn't. Anyway why are you late? Did you find your little mate and she reject you because you're an arrogant selfish man whore?" I said.

"Actually yes I have found my mate, and no she didn't reject me, when you find your mate I'm sure he would reject you right on the day you find him!" he replied, this guy always got on my nerves, I had to be careful on what I said next, but I couldn't help but feel a bit of a pang in my chest, I wonder why?

"Actually for you information, I would probably be the one to reject him, because I don't want my stupid mate." With that I turned around and continued walking to class, trying not to smile at the look on his face, because it was priceless!

*Flashback ends*

I slump down next to him and look over to see him smirking at me, Grr. Wish me luck surviving sitting next to him.

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