Chapter 2-Anger Issues

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Ashton's POV

I hate the teachers at my school, because in biology I got paired with Ivy to do some genetics assignment. Life is a B*tch, pairing us up like that. What's worse is that I had to try not to accidentally brush up against her, and then she would know, to my wolf's dismay, and my... whatever the opposite of dismay, that didn't happen. As soon as the bell goes signifying class had ended, and finished the rest of the school day. 

I decide to go for a run when I reach home so I go into the forest that is our backyard. I shift into my pure black wolf and put the clothes I was wearing inside a hollowed out tree. I go to a lake in the clearing; this is the spot I go to, to think. 

A noise from my right brings me back to reality. I turn my head and see the wolf in front of me, a pure black wolf like me. Pure black, white or red wolves are a sign of alpha heritage. I then inhale her scent, Mint and Vanilla, wait, that's my mate! How is that possible, my mate is Ivy, not Ebony, her twin, Ivy has the alpha heritage in her family line.  I hear her start growling, she doesn't know I'm her mate yet, she would expect me to challenge her, because she is challenging me. I unwillingly growl back. She Charges at me, but I dodge, not wanting her to feel the connection. She charges back at me fast and jumped on me. I could instantly feel the mate connection and had to suppress a howl from my wolf, which was battling for control, I had to fight two wolves, my own and my mate. My wolf managed to let out a whimper. Ivy looked confused, then sad, and then angry. She raked her paw down my cheek and then bit my right hind leg, and not lightly, I might add. Then she turned around and ran through the bushes.

When I reach home my parents are waiting for me, demanding to know where I've been, I tell them that I was out for a run, and that I'll be in my room. They do nothing to stop me so I go to my room. When I'm almost there I'm stopped by someone. It's that Casey B*tch, maybe she can take my mind off the recent activity that has just happened.

"Hey Ashton, want to hang out in my room?" Casey asked, batting her eyelashes, she's so easy!

"Sure, Casey, I just need to clean up," I say back with a smirk, then I quickly hurry into my walk in bathroom and clean out the bite mark that Ivy gave me, it should be mostly healed in the morning, but I hope she doesn't notice it.


I wake up and complete my morning routine and the bite Ivy gave me had mostly healed but I didn't have to worry about that because my sock covered it mostly. When I get to school I have a few minutes to the bell, my first class, Biology. Our timetable changes every day, and there is a week A and a week B, I had biology second period yesterday and first period today.

When I walk in the room I don't see Ivy, I have to be stuck with doing the work, great.

About 15 minutes after class had started the science lab door is swung open to reveal Ivy, looking hot as always, no, bad Ashton, she's lucky she didn't miss first period all together.

"Miss. Rivers, why are you late, yet again?" Is Mrs. Taylor's response to Ivy's tardiness

"Be thankful that I even came today, because Biology class is so boring." She replies and I hear a few snickers from the others in the class.

"Miss. Rivers, unless you want a detention, I advise you to take a seat next to your partner and work on your assignment, I believe yours is on genetic mutations?"

"Yes Mrs. Taylor." She says and slumps down in the chair next to me, which was at the very back of the classroom.

"Why are you late, I had to do some of it by myself." I whisper to her.

"Why? Is the work too hard for you, Ashy-washy? And don't worry; I did it all last night." I growl at the first comment, but wonder why she sounded a bit sad while saying the second one.

"If you must know it was because I didn't have to spend a whole 50 minutes looking at your face." She pushed it too far and she knows it, Dammit, I get up and storm out of the lab. She is my mate and she shouldn't treat me with disrespect, she knows I'm the future Alpha of my Pack.

I run into the forest as soon as I am in far enough, not bothering to change out of my clothes and just shifting. It angers my wolf that I haven't told Ivy that she is my mate, but I've kept it like that for almost two years. The reason I didn't want her as my mate was because she didn't have alpha blood in her, well that's what my father said to me makes a good pack, and that's also why he ordered me not to tell her, his order was an alpha order so I cannot break that unless I become alpha or he dies, which he won't be doing any time soon. It almost kills me that I see all my pack embracing the mate bond and I can't be with my mate. But the thing is, Ivy has Alpha heritage, as I saw yesterday, so maybe if I tell my father this he would let me be with her.

I walk into the clearing where I met Ivy yesterday and see her asleep near the lake. She looks so peaceful, I wanted to go and lie next to her, but I couldn't, otherwise she would know the truth. I sadly left her and decide to head back to school.

When I walk into the science Lab the bell goes, so the class starts packing up, I walk over to Mrs. Taylor

"I sent Ivy to go find you, where is she?" 

"Um, she's gone to her next class, she told me to go and get her books." I say smoothly

"Ok then, and tell her that since she found you that you both don't get a detention." Mrs. Taylor says

"Yes Mrs." I reply, pack both her books and my books up, and walk over to my locker, unlocking it and putting both sets of books in my locker before getting paper and a pen and writing:

Really got to look after your stuff you know, don't want to lose anything.


I get my books for next class and on my way I slip the note into Ivy's locker, which is a few lockers down from mine. Sure I'll be late for next class, but messing with my mate is so much fun he he.

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