Chapter 10-I'll always be here for you

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Ashton's POV

After the bell went we went to sport and she went into the female change room while I go into the male's one. After I finish changing I exit the change room and wait around for Ebony. Wow I can't believe my mate is actually not called Ivy. I wonder why she and her sisters lied about it though. Eventually she came out and my eyes roam over her body, she was muscular, but curvy at the same time and she was beautiful. Once her eyes caught me checking her out a smirk plastered on her face.

"Like what you see?" she goes for the cliché phrase before giggling.

"Yes I do" I reply smirking, not holding the truth back, I'm not ashamed of it or anything. Ebony raises her eyebrow and then walks off.

"Hey, where are you going?" I ask,

"To Luca, he will know something is up if I'm in a group with you again." She replies.

"But you're mine and not his, Bonnie" I say in a stern voice

"Shut up f*cktard, you don't want everything to be blown open do you? I certainly don't so I'll see you later." She then walks away from me. She's so feisty. But the other part of me is slightly angry that she talks to me like that, I'm an Alpha, and her mate, she should treat me with respect.

"Year 11's, today we are going to be continuing athletics, so you will be in the same groups as last week. We are seeing if you have improved on your field times. I will give one person from each group your previous times. Ok let's go."

I look over to Ebony, who is standing next to Luca, and I hear her complaining to Luca about being in a group with me. I'm not sure if she is acting or being truthful to him so my wolf feels a little sad, and quite frankly, so do I.

"Come on guys lets go." I say to my group once Ebony has come over and become a part of our group. We walk onto the oval and start with the 90 meter hurdles. I split our group in half and told which people run first.

For the rest of the sport lesson I tried to keep my mind of my mate and keep my wolf preoccupied from getting to her, I have to be honest, she smells so fucking amazing right now, I can't even describe. At the end of the sport lesson I try to locate Ebony, but with no luck. She must be in the change room. I decide not to be all stalkerish and wait for her, but to get changed and go home.

Once I got home I instructed the pack to continue to what they would normally be doing, sent out a few border patrols, and then went into my room to do my homework. As much as people say I'm a 'bad boy' I get good grades, tell anyone and I'll have to use my Alpha command on you.

I eat dinner and then head to bed after studying for a bit before i feel the same pain i have been feeling for the past few days and immediately know it's Ebony, so I jump out my window, shifting into my wolf and ran to the Solar Eclipse pack house and to Bonnie's window, where I saw she was in the same position she was in last night, and the past few nights when I've come to check on her, but have been to scared to knock or do anything, I just watched on in sadness as she rocks herself back to sleep crying. I'm glad now she knows I'm her mate I can now help her. I tapped on the window as it was locked, and she looks up and walks ove and unlatches the window, which i climb through and engulf her in a hug. she seems startled by my actions and freezes over, before she relaxes and hugs back.

"What's wrong my Princess? Was it the dream again?" She nodded. I lead us to her bed.

"Look, Princess, it seems to be a recurring event, and I understand that you don't want to tell me, as I haven't exactly been the best mate to you, but you should at least try to express your problems somehow, or to someone. I don't know if you already have, but sometimes expressing your problems can help your subconscious to get over the events." I offer my advice, in which she replied by burying her face in my shirt and crying. This breaks my heart even more.

"Oh no I'm so sorry Princess I didn't mean to make things worse I'm so sorry you don't have to tell anyone I'm so stupid I was trying to help I-" I stop speaking as I was greeted with her crystal blue eyes, red around the rims from crying. She is still so beautiful despite her crying.

"It's ok ashton,A she say in a small voice, "I'm just not ready yet"

"Princess take all the time in the world, I'll wait a thousand years if I have to, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" She nods, I realised she was covered in a layer of sweat. My wolf growls at the thought of whatever has caused her to be traumatised like this and I'm angry too.

I open a drawer in her chest of drawers and find another tshirt for her to wear and then walk into her ensuite and start the shower for her. As I walk back out I realise she is almost asleep, fighting to stay awake, but her nod before makes me believe that she wants to be clean. I gently pick her up and she regains more consciousness before I carry her to her bathroom where she goes into the shower and starts to undress as I turn around to look away from her to get a towel from a cupboard. When the tap turns off I hold up the towel like a curtain and wrap her in it and leave her to dry off while i grab the clean t-shirt for her to put on.

"Thank you Ashton" she says as she walks out of the bathroom. I stand up from the corner of her bed.

"It's no problem Princess, no problem at all." Not wanting to push my luck I start to walk towards the window again before a hand grabs my shoulder and I'm turned around and engulfed in another hug

"Please stay again tonight, don't leave me again"

"Princess I'll always be here for you"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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