Chapter 3-A sport lesson

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Ebony's POV

I start wondering, where would a jerk like him go? He probably was so angry that he went to shift, so maybe in the forest near our packs? I go out of the school gates and into the forest, not bothering to shift. I look around the perimeter of the forest and then go into the center of it.

I'm so frustrated, I give up! I'll do detention with him for a week, stupid jerk. I walk into the clearing near my pack house, the one I was at yesterday, and lie down. I should go back to school, but school is stupid, it's like jail where your parents pay for you to be imprisoned in. class is where you spend your time, homework is your punishment. 

I must've fallen asleep, because it is now 12:45pm, I get up and go back to school, if my parents are home they would make me go back to school anyway. When I get back to school its 1:00pm, lunch had started 10 minutes ago, so I go to my locker and unlock it, a piece of paper fell out:

Really got to look after your stuff you know, don't want to lose anything.


I OFFICIALLY HATE ASHTON EVEN MORE!! He took my F*cking books that F*cking B*tch. I check my timetable and see I have Sport, at the end of the day, the last two periods after lunch all the year 11's and 12's go and play sport. Today we were on the oval. I take my sport bag and trudge down to the sport center, and go into the female change rooms. I hate how all the girls in my year level just take their school uniform off and just sit and talk in nothing but their bras and sports shorts. It's a change room not a chat room. I try to be in the change rooms for as little time possible.

When I'm changed into my sports uniform, which is a royal blue top that has the school crest taking up ¾ of the top, and navy blue shorts, I go down to the oval with my hat and water bottle. I wave at Luca and see Ashton with his friends; I go over to him to ask him where the F*ck my stupid books are.

"Where are they, Ashton?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Savvy." He said while smirking.

"Where are my effing books, I know you took them. It was pretty stupid to sign your name at the bottom of the letter, idiot." I said losing my patience.

"Somewhere" he said, and that's when the Sports teachers thought it would be a good time to start the lesson.

"Ok year 11's today we are going to do athletics, focusing on hurdles and the track events. The teachers will split you into groups of about 10 and you will do heats of the event you are assigned to trial. We will swap every event about every 15 minutes. Stay still while we group you. Oh, and one more thing, you must try your hardest or you will get a fail for athletics on your report." Mrs. Smith said.

I realized too late that I was still standing near Ashton, and of course I was put in his group, along with his other guy friends, and one other girl, I think her name was Casey. I look over at Luca, who is giving me weird looks; I give him the look I'll tell you later

Our group was assigned the 1500 meter sprints first. We split our group in two and I was in the second heat with Casey, Ashton and two of his friends, who I don't have a clue what their names are. We time the first heat and then line up for our turn, I was in the third lane next to Aston's friends, who taunt me throwing comments at me saying because I'm a pathetic girl I will come last. There will be someone coming last, but it won't be me, I thought in my head.

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