Chapter 6- Almost the truth

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Ashton’s POV

“Ivy, I’m not going to hurt you, please just listen to me.” I say as she starts backing away from me

“Y-you can’t be here. Why are you here” she chokes out in a whisper.

“I just want to explain things.” I say in a soft, calming voice,

 “Ivy, please sit down,” I whisper quietly, but I know she heard me. I walk towards her and guide her to her bed.

“I am truly sorry about what I have put you through, I wanted to stop as soon as I found out you were my mate last year, but my father he-“I pause, “Please forgive me. Even if you don’t, I think me being here will be good for both our wolves, mine has been biting my head off about you ever since he found out we were mates.”

She seems to think for a few seconds and then replies with “Ok you can stay for a while but stay over there” she says while pointing to her chair. I breathe out a sign of relief and go and sit in the chair.

The first thing I ask her is “When you rejected me, did you feel anything? Because I didn’t.”

It was the truth, I felt nothing when she said those words and I was confused.

“Um, maybe it’s because you didn’t accept it? Why didn’t you accept it hey?” She says while trying to change the topic, but I leave the subject alone for now

“Because I need a Luna to run my pack.”  I saw quickly, that is so not the reason, I have always loved Ivy, since the moment I laid eyes on her, sure, say it’s the mate bond, but I don’t think so. I see her face fall and then correct myself with  “I mean, you are my mate and I need a Luna.”

“Ok, so it’s just for the packs?” She asks

“Yeah,” I breathe out slowly.


“Hey, when I say you in your wolf form, you were fully black. That only happens in wolves that are alpha’s. I thought your sister was the one with the alpha heritage?” There I said it, the question I wanted the answer to

“Um, yeah, well…” She never finishes her sentence

There is an awkward tension that seemed to fill the room, and she suggests;

“Well since it’s getting late I think you should go now, we should do this again soon”

“Yeah, same time tomorrow?” I ask and her brows furrow as if she’s thinking real hard about what I just asked her

“Ah, ok? Sure whatever, now bye” I say as she pushes me towards the window I climbed in. I turn around once I am out of Ivy’s room and say “Ivy, you’re my mate, we’re meant to be, please accept me, and I’ll wait all you like. I won’t tell anyone about you having alpha heritage if that’s what you want.” She nods and I walk away into the forest and then shifting back into my wolf and run all the way home.

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