Chapter 17- The Mystery Guy

Start from the beginning

"Shane has a brother, Alex. He moved to other school leaving us no reason why he did. Two weeks after that the fight between Shane and me happened making Jade also leave our school. We all thought Jade left because of that so I followed her. I tried my best to win her heart but after almost a year, she admitted something to me." he calmly said while looking out of the window.

It was a long pause so I thought maybe he doesn't want to continue the story. It was getting awkward until he finally continued, "She didn't left because of our fight. She left to follow Alex. Then I realized how dumb I was to waste the friendship Shane and I both had for some stupid thing we thought is worth fighting for."

"Wow, that was... harsh. I-uhh hope you don't mind but is Jade and Alex together now?" I asked curiously. Don't get me wrong, I was just thinking; if Jade and Alex are finally together now, there might be a chance that Eric and Shane's friendship be restored, right?

"I'm not getting any news about them since I moved back here. I don't really know if Alex likes Jade too. He never tell. All I know is that he left our school right after he found out that Jade likes him. I'm not so sure if that's even the reason why he left. Maybe he has planned about leaving already even before he found that out. Alex has just been the most secretive from the four of us, you know" he said crossing his arms

"Oh, I see. But, speaking about the 'four of you', is Matthew Andrews even involved in this crazy picture?" I asked. I just realized how Matt isn't being mentioned by him that much. I mean, he definitely knew Matt, right?

He just snorted and continued, "Matt is like Shane's best bud among the three of us. I mean, Alex, Matthew and I. Matt is like Shane's most loyal freak. Before, I also thought that Matt had this slight crush with Jade but of course, he wouldn't dare to fight against his king so I guess he tried his best to back off of her"

"Hey don't be mean. Maybe Matt just doesn't really have any special feelings for Jade." I defended

"Why so defensive? Do you like Matt?" he teased

"This isn't about me Eric. I don't like anyone for so you know" I annoyingly said

"As you say so." he sang

"So, getting back to the topic, you said Matt is Shane's best bud. But why not Alex, his own brother?" I simply stirred the topic away from me

He chuckled, "I don't think I'm in the position to share it to you. I am supposed to tell you about myself, not about the Wilhems' story"

"Oh, I understand. I'm sorry, I didn't know that would be that sensitive for you" I said

"Not for me but for the Wilhems" he replied

He's being cocky again, little by little and I hate it.

"Okay so you want to talk only about yourself, huh?" I teased

"Yeah sure, ask whatever you want to know. Only about me, of course"

"Okay, so why would you hide your Eric image in school and appear as the nerdy Hans?"

"Simply because I don't want the attention. Of course if I got back to our school as the Eric that everyone knows, everybody would dig information why Eric isn't with Shane and Matthew anymore. That would ruin our peace and I don't want that." he simply said like it was the most obvious thing that the students there would do.

"Don't overreact. You could just be friends with Shane again. Just tell him the truth and everything would be fine" I suggested

"I'm not overreacting. You know Shane isn't that considerate. I would have done what you said way back then if I knew that would work. I still don't know if Alex likes Jade. If I tell Shane the truth and turns out that Alex also likes Jade, what do you think would happen with those two knowing Alex and Jade are in the same school now?" he defended

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