Forgiving her?

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I woke up the next day and started to get ready. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. "Here you go" my mom said handing me a plate. "Thanks" I said sitting in the chair. "So have you decided yet" my mom said. "I'm still not sure yet" I said. "I'm scared that I'm going to make a wrong decision" I added. "I'm sure you will make the right decisions and no matter what happens I'll be here for you" my mom said. "Thanks mom" I said. I decided to go to Carson's house to get some help. I walked up to his house and knocked on the door. "Hey Hayden" Carson's mom said. "Hi Mrs. Diane" I said. I walked inside and she made a hand motion to Carson's room knowing what I was going to say next. I nod my head and smiled then walked upstairs. I opened the door without knocking because we are friends so it wouldn't matter. When I walked in he was playing video games. "Carson" I said. He didn't say anything. "CARSON!!" I said again. He was glued on to the tv.

I was playing fortnite and I heard something but didn't bother noticing. Just then when I was about to kill someone my tv turned off. "What the heck!!" I said. I looked to my right to see Hayden. "What was that for" I said. "I need to talk to you" Hayden said. "What is it?" I said. "I don't know what I should do about Annie" he said. "Look I understand that it's hard and I know you may think Annie doesn't need you but trust me she does" I said. "Thanks" Hayden said and left my room. I went to pick up my controller when I realized that Hayden has it shut down. "Hayden wait can you turn my tv back on" I said. He moves is wrist and the tv turned back on.

I started to walk to Annie's house once I got there I saw Hayley outside. "Hey Haybug" I said. "Hey Hayden you can just walk in" she said. "Ok thanks" I said. I walked into the house and went to Annie's room. I knocked on the door and Annie opened it. "Hey Hayden" she said. "Hey Annie" I said. She opened her door wider to let me in. "Before you say anything Hayden I'm sorry on the way I treated you and I understand if you don't want to give me a second chance but ju—" She said but cut off her off by kissing her. We pulled away after about 10 seconds. "Does that answer your question" I said as I grabbed her waist and kissed her again.

Hope you guys enjoyed and go check out my new book who would've thought

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