The truth hurts

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BANG!!! Hayden and I sat up and ran into the main room. "What's going on " Hayden said. Everyone looked scared and motioned us to duck down. "What's going on?" Hayden whispered again. "Mason" Kenzie said. "He is here?" I said. They shook there heads and then we heard a loud bang and saw that the front door busted opened. "Hayden....where are you" He said. When I looked back I saw Hayden not behind me. "Guys!!" I said. They looked behind me and we stood up. "Where's Hayden?" Kenzie said. "I don't know, he was behind me a second ago and when I looked back he wasn't there" I said. "Mason probably took him silently" Johnny said. "We should go find them" Carson said. We nodded and started running into the forest.

2 hours later
I woke up in a dark room striped to a chair. I looked around and then saw Mason coming towards me. "Your finally awake" he said. "What do you want from me you already took my powers" I said. "Yes But I need to kill you" He said. "Why what did I ever do to you?" I said. "It's not what you did it's what your dad did" Mason said getting mad. "What about my dad he never cared about me, he just left me" I said. "Oh poor Hayden if that was only the truth" he said. "What do you mean?" I said. "Well I use to work for your dad and he would always talk about how amazing you were and how much he loved you, then one day your father betrayed me so I thought I would take something special to him which was you" Mason said. "My mom told me that my dad left me when I was only 2 months old" I said getting upset. "You see when I took you when you were 9 I was going to kill you but your dad saved you and he got shot and apparently she had your memory get erased from all the stuff you did with your dad" he said. I was really upset that my mom did this to me but I don't even know if this is truth.

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