Where is he!?!?

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I woke up the next day to see Johnny and Carson still sleeping which I'm not surprised from. I got up and change and got ready then I went to the main lodge since there isn't going to be a lot of kids there. I went over to one of the tables and grabbed some deck of cards and started to play around with them.

I woke up and saw that Kenzie and Jayden were still sleeping so I decided to go to the lodge and hang out there for a little bit. Once I got there I saw the boy on the bus from yesterday. "Hey" I said walking over to him. He looked up from the cards he was playing with and smiled at me and went back to playing with them. "Can I maybe play a game with you" I said. He looked at me and smiled then handed me the deck. "Do you want to play War?" I said. He nodded and we started to him play.

I woke up and looked around to see Carson sleeping but Hayden not there. I started to freak out. "Carson!.....CARSON WAKE UP!!!" I said shake him. "What is going on" Carson said. "Hayden isn't here" I said worried. Ok guys I know what your going to say. Yes I know we're overprotective but Hayden is like our little brother and we can't have him hurt. (You guys will find ok why they are so overprotective later on in the story.) Carson quickly got up and ran to the girls room. "What do you guys want" Kenzie said. "Do you know where Hayden is!?!" I said. "No why." Kenzie said a little worried now. "He isn't in the cabin and he is always there" Carson said. "Ok then let's go look for him" Kenzie said. "Let's check the main lodge" Jayden said. "Ok" I said. We walked to the main lodge and saw Hayden sitting at a table playing cards with a girl. We walked closer and saw that the girl was Annie. "Hey guys" we all said besides Annie and Hayden. "Hey" Annie said. Hayden waved and Kenzie went to hug him. "I missed you so much lil' bro" Kenzie said. Hayden smiled and whispered to Kenzie something. "I missed you too" He said where no one could hear but I did. Kenzie smiled and stood back up.

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