The Truth

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*Bella's Point Of View* 

I meet with Hermione in the Astronomy Tower. 

"You're all sweaty," Hermione observes as I sit down next to her.

"I was running," I tell her, still panting. "Among other things."

"What things?" Hermione asks, giving me a playful shove. "Care to share?"

"Well, a bit of snogging," I admit sheepishly, and Hermione gasps. "Those things."

"Really?" Hermione raises her eyebrows at me. I nod in response. "Congratulations. Is that what we say for this sort of thing?"

"Oi, don't look at me like that. You act as if I've never kissed anyone before," I chuckle. "I'd say I'm a bit offended by that."

"Oh, I know you have," Hermione giggles. "There was Draco... and didn't you fancy a Muggle lad before that? Can't think of his name. Started with an M or something."

"We don't speak of such things," I joke. "But why are you acting as if it's a shock to you, then?"

"I'm not. I just happen to remember you had a certain Hogsmeade date with a certain person today," Hermione replies with a sly smile. "Ron Weasley, I believe? Is that correct? Hmm, could he be the lucky guy who got to snog you?"

"Yes," I confess with a chuckle. "Yeah. It was Ron and he-" I'm cut off by Hermione cheering and throwing her arms around me in a hug.

"Finally!" Hermione cheers. "Ugh, you don't know how long we've been waiting for you two to finally have some sense and get together already! It's been such a long time coming. Ron's been drooling over you this whole while, waiting and waiting and basically planning the names of all your twenty future children."

"He has? Hermione, I- I don't think you understand," I say, blushing. "I had a lot of Butterbeer and I wasn't thinking straight."

"Rubbish," Hermione cackles. "A load of old tosh. I don't believe you. It doesn't matter how much Butterbeer you had, because right now you're sat here telling me about it and smiling like mad. You wouldn't be acting like this if you didn't have feelings for him." She points an accusing finger at me and gives me a knowing grin. "Don't try to deny it. You. Love. Him." I open my mouth to protest, but she cuts me off. "No amount of talk is going to convince me otherwise. It's time the two of you make it official, and a few years from now you'll get married and I can cry tears of joy at your wedding."

"Hush, Hermione! Please," I whisper urgently, shaking my head back and forth. "I can't be with him. I know I can't."

"What's stopping you?" Hermione asks. "Does the thing in question that's stopping you happen to be a blonde daddy's boy?" She rolls her eyes and puts a hand on my arm. "Bella, you can't let Draco stop you from living your life. You and Ron are meant to be. You can't let something as insignificant as Draco Malfoy stop destiny. This is your fate! Forget about Draco, okay? He'll get over it."

"But Draco is insane! What if he hurts me? Or worse, what if he hurts Ron?" I wail. Tears are flooding my eyes and spilling down my cheeks. "If anything bad happens to Ron, I don't know what I'll do." My voice is shaking, and I wipe away my tears with the back of my hand. "Draco can hurt me all he wants, as long as he doesn't hurt Ron. Anything but that."

"Hmm," Hermione says, pausing to think as she pats my shoulder to comfort me. "I have a plan."

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now