Advice From Harry

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*Ron's Point Of View*

I watch as Bella runs away... again. She's not even a fast runner, but she's got a head start and I doubt I can catch up. It hurts to watch her go.

I can't believe what happened today. The very thing I've been dreaming of since forever, basically. It was even better than I expected, which I didn't think was possible. But what is Bella feeling? Why did she kiss me back, only to run away? And did she like it?

I need to talk with Harry. That'll get things sorted out. Harry's no girl expert, but still. I have to talk to someone about this. 

"Speak of the devil," I murmur to myself as I look across the road and find Harry sitting next to Luna on a bench and chatting with her. I hurry over, nearly tripping over my feet as I go. 

"Hiya, Ron!" Luna sing-songs cheerfully. "Lovely day today!"

"How was your date today, champion?" Harry asks with a wink.

"Oh, you've had a date? What fun!" Luna trills, clapping her hands and spinning in a circle. "Who was it? Was it Bella?"

"How did you know?" I ask, stunned.

"Oh, I know everything," Luna replies wisely. "Besides, it's pretty obvious you fancy her, and I reckon she fancies you too."

"About that..." I chuckle. "Luna, would you excuse us for a moment?" Luna nods happily and steps a short distance away, holding her hands over her ears and humming. 

"What's the matter, Ron?" Harry asks, rising from his seat. "Is everything alright? Did anything... interesting happen?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"IkissedBellaandshekissedmeback," I say breathlessly, the words tumbling out in a nervous rush.

"Oi, what's that you're saying? Couldn't understand you," Harry chuckles.

"I kissed Bella," I inform her, slowing down enough now so that my words are understandable. "And she kissed me back."

"Are you joking? Please tell me this isn't just a pisstake," Harry gasps. I shake my head, and Harry lets out a high-pitched squeal that I did not even know he was capable of doing. 

"Bloody hell, Harry. Are you mental?" I say, watching with a grin as Harry jumps around like a kangaroo and continues screeching. "Have you gone mad? You're off your rocker, mate."

"Nah, I'm just so excited for you," Harry says, finally quieting down. He slaps my back encouragingly. "That's wonderful! Bet you two had loads of fun, didn't you?" He turns around, wrapping his arms around himself to make it look like he's being embraced, and makes a bunch of ungodly excuses of kissing sounds.

"Harry, stop," I chuckle, and he turns back round and gives me a cheeky grin. "Besides, there's more to the story."

"OH, THERE IS?" Harry's eyes are wide and he's practically screaming in glee now. "Do tell. Give me all the details. Leave nothing out."

"Harry, relax. It's nothing good, anyway," I say, feeling the smile slip from my face as I picture how Bella ran from me.

"Oh," Harry says, looking disappointed. "What happened? Please tell me she didn't, like, deck you in the face or anything like that."

"I sort of wish she would've, rather than what actually happened," I admit. 

"You're into that sort of thing?" Harry raises an eyebrow.

"Not the time for jokes," I reply glumly. 

"You didn't say no," Harry teases.

"Shut up!" I say, blushing and biting my lip to hold back the smile

"Okay, okay. Continue, please," Harry says, stroking an imaginary beard and pretending to be deep in thought. "The Chose One is here to solve all of your problems. Tell me what happened."

"She ran away from me," I sigh. 

"Oh," Harry says. "Why?"

"Would I be asking you if I knew?" I huff in exasperation.

"True," Harry says. "Well, why don't you just go ask her?"

"I'm not going to harass her," I tell him. "I just want to know why. Did I do something wrong?"

"Maybe she's scared. She's probably got a lot on her mind right now," Harry says. "Don't fret. Maybe give her some space, and see if she figures it out on her own?"

"That sounds right. Thanks, Harry," I say.

"Brilliant," Harry replies, giving me a thumbs-up. "Anytime."

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now