The Yule Ball

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*Ron's Point Of View*

It's the night of the Yule Ball, and I'm dressed in the worst dress robes known to mankind. My mum loaned me them, but they're hideous. I could nearly cry. How am I supposed to get Bella to fall madly in love with me when I'm wearing this monstrosity? I'd rather go starkers than wear this horrid excuse of clothing. 

Suddenly, I find my saving grace. Cue the angelic chorus. On a bed on the other side of the dorm, someone has left a decent suit. I haven't a clue of who it belongs to, but I don't care. I'm desperate. I fly across the room and snatch up. It's a bit tight, but it'll do. I quickly get dressed and kick the old dress robes aside. I check myself out in the mirror a couple of times, making sure my hair and outfit look right. I run a hand through my hair, admiring the new haircut I got recently. It was getting too long a few weeks ago, but now it's the perfect length. I think it makes me look handsome, I must admit. I'm finally dressed to impress and ready for the Yule Ball.

Too bad I'm going alone.

It'll be the death of me if I have to watch Draco and Bella dancing and snogging. I would give anything to be in Draco's place. I would give anything for Bella to dance with me and kiss me. I have to keep reminding myself that Bella told me she's probably going to end things with Draco tonight. It means I might have a chance.

"Ron, are you ready?" Harry asks, poking his head into the room. 

"Yeah," I say quickly. "Just... making sure I look alright."

"You look fine," Harry assures me. "Come on." When I make no move to leave and continue staring at myself in the mirror, he marches over and grabs my arm and drags me out. As we're walking out, I hear Dean Thomas yell something about his suit going missing, and I say a silent prayer that he won't find out that I'm wearing it. Poor Dean, but hopefully he'll understand that I need it more than he does. He'll just have to find something else to wear. Harry and I round the corner, and Hermione greets us. Harry's jaw drops when he sees Hermione.

"Hi," Hermione says quietly, blushing as she looks at Harry.

"Hello," Harry says breathlessly.

I feel a bit awkward as I stand there, watching Harry and Hermione gape at each other. I clear my throat and shuffle my feet.

"Oh, Ron, have you seen Bella yet?" Hermione asks me suddenly. 

"Not yet," I reply.

"You're going to lose your mind when you see her," Hermione tells me with a sly smile. "She looks amazing. She always does, but she looks even more so tonight." Hermione sighs happily. "Oh, you've got to see her!"

"Wait," Harry says, squinting at something behind us. "Is that... her?"

We all turn to see a faraway figure slinking down the staircase.

"That's her!" Hermione squeals. "I can tell by the dress. Just wait until she gets closer... you're all going to lose your minds!"

The figure moves closer and closer, stepping down the stairs in a delicate sort of way. As if pulled by a magnet, I draw closer. I can see it is definitely Bella. As she reaches the bottom of the stairs, I walk over to her, and she looks up and locks eyes with me. 

My jaw drops.

Bella looks absolutely gorgeous. She's always gorgeous, but looks even more so tonight. Her long brown hair is twisted back in some elegant sort of hairstyle. Her skin seems to glow. She's wearing a green dress with a dip in the front and... she looks stunning beyond words. 

"Bella?" I whisper, licking my lips as my face flushes red. 

"Hi, Ron," Bella says softly.

"You look... incredible," I say.

"As do you," Bella replies, looking shyly at me.

"Thanks," I say, smiling as I shift my weight from one foot to the other. She looks so beautiful and I just don't know what else to say.

"Your tie is all crooked," Bella murmurs, smiling faintly. "Let me fix it for you." She leans forward and adjusts my tie. I bite my lip and smile.

She has no idea what this is doing to me.

"Hey," I say quietly, placing my hands over hers as she continues messing with my tie. She blushes and looks up at me. "You know Draco might kill you and me both for this, huh?"

"Draco is insane," Bella mumbles. 

"Well, I don't want him to hurt you, so it's probably best if you avoided me for right now. You can come to me after you end things with him, okay?" I say, brushing a strand of her hair back from her face. 

"Okay," Bella agrees. She backs up from me, and I instantly want to pull her back to me. "See you soon, I suppose."

"See you soon," I say, and I watch silently as she walks away.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now