Prologue, Part One: That Weasley

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A/N: In this book, your name is Bella Copeland. (Yes, I changed the surname as to avoid confusion.)


Reminder that this is a fanfiction inspired by the Harry Potter series. Not everything will necessarily align with the actual storyline in the books and movies, though some of it will. This is following the storyline I have created. Also, I apologize if it is a bit cringe at the start, as I began writing this book way back when I was thirteen.

*Bella's Point Of View*

My first day at Hogwarts. I can hardly hold back my excitement as I get on the train. My legs are w

"Bye, Bella!" my mum calls, waving as I board the train. "I love you!"

I give my mum a final wave as I go to the nearest compartment and sit down. With a grunt of effort, I manage to haul my luggage into the compartment. I admit that I may have gone a bit overboard on the packing. I cradle my pet cat, Angel, in my arms as I sit down. Angel purrs and nudges my head lovingly as I stroke her back. I lean back against my seat and drift off into a daydream.

"Excuse me, do you mind?" a voice says suddenly, interrupting my thoughts. An adorable boy with red hair peeks his head into the compartment I'm in. "Everywhere else is full." He looks a bit sheepish. 

"Sure, come in," I say, scooting over to make room for him. 

"Thanks, mate," the boy says gratefully, sliding into the seat. "I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley."

"Pleasure," I say, extending my hand. "I'm Bella Copeland."

"Wicked name," Ron replies, grinning. 

"And I'm Harry," announces a boy with black hair as he settles on the other side of Ron. "Harry Potter." I give him a friendly nod, and he adds, "Haven't you heard of me?"

"No," I say, suddenly embarrassed. "Was I supposed to know who you are?"

"I'm just sort of famous, is all," Harry replies. "But that's okay! A bit refreshing to find someone who won't obsess over me." He grins.

"My parents are Muggles," I explain. "I'm the first witch in my family."

"Ah, okay," Harry responds with a satisfactory nod. "Welcome!"

"Yes, welcome," Ron chimes in, giving me a shy smile. 

"Want anything off the trolley, dears?" an old, wrinkly woman asks as she comes by with a snack trolley.

"We'll take the lot," Harry says, pulling money out of his pocket. He smiles sweetly at the old woman pushing the trolley. 

"Here you are, my lovelies," the woman says, giving us the food. "Eat up."

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans," Ron says as he lifts a box. "Try some."

"Thanks," I say as I get to munching away. "Mmm... this one tastes like toasted marshmallow."

"George swears he got a bogey flavoured one once," Ron chuckles.

"Who's George?" I ask. "Is he another famous wizard I don't know about?"

"No, he's one of my brothers," Ron replies. "I've got five brothers and one sister."

"Whoa," I say. "I've only got one brother."

"This is Scabbers, by the way," Ron announces, lifting up the rat that is busy sniffing around.

"This is Angel," I say, pointing to my cat. Angel is fast asleep on my lap.

"Oh!" Ron gasps, scooping up Scabbers and cradling him protectively against his neck. "I didn't even notice that cat before. Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers!"

"It's alright," I say defensively. "Angel wouldn't hurt a flea."

"You sure?" Ron questions, looking nervous.

"Yeah," I say. "Besides, she's fast asleep. This cat sleeps like a rock."

"Okay," Ron says, relaxing again and slowly putting Scabbers back down.

"See? Angel is gentle," I say as Angel finally wakes up and sniffs lightly at Scabbers with disinterest. Ron's face visibly relaxes.

"We're almost here," Harry announces as he glances out the window. "You ready, Ron?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, Harry," Ron tells Harry. He turns back to me. "Are you ready, Bella?"

"Ready," I say, smiling.

"Oh, and... I guess we're friends now, right?" Ron asks.

"Yeah," I say, shaking his hand politely. "Friends."

The train stops, and we all get off. I take a deep breath as I take a step forward, with Ron a few paces ahead of me.

That Weasley boy... there's something intriguing about him. I'm sure we're going to be the best of friends.

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now