Preparing For The Ball

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*Bella's Point Of View*

The night of the Yule Ball comes, and I can't help but battle raging nerves as I prepare for the big night. I stand in front of the mirror in my dorm, twirling around in my dress. It's quite pretty, but it's not the dress I wanted. Draco is the one who picked it out for me. The dress is emerald green with silver accents. Slytherin colours, although I am a Hufflepuff. Draco picked it out and deemed it "perfect." He wanted us to match, as he will be wearing a silver tux with a green tie to the Ball. When I protested that I wanted to wear a yellow gown to show my Hufflepuff pride, Draco said that was unacceptable. He then kissed me and said he'd make up for it, though. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I'm really getting tired of this.

"This is rubbish," I mumble to myself as I stare at my dress. "Why should Draco get to tell me what to wear?"

"Talking to yourself now, are you?" asks a familiar voice. I turn and see my close friend Hermione in the doorway, grinning at me. She is dressed in a periwinkle-coloured gown and looks as lovely as ever.

"Mione!" I screech, and she giggles and runs towards me, wrapping me up in a hug. When I finally pull out of the hug, I say, "You look stunning!"

"So do you!" Hermione replies, smiling at me. "Ron is going to go wild when he sees you!" 

"That's... good?" I say with an awkward chuckle. "Um... Draco picked out the dress, actually."

"He did?" Hermione gasps. Her eyes grow wide. "Well, he did a good job, I must admit. And that'll be the only time you'll ever hear me compliment Draco!"

"I was hoping to wear a yellow gown to show off my Hufflepuff pride," I sigh. "But Draco wanted me to match him, so he made me got this dress for me instead."

"Draco is a dodgy plonker. You don't have to do anything he tells you to do," Hermione says seriously. 

"I know. I think I ought to end things with him tonight," I say.

"Really?" Hermione looks thrilled. "Great! He doesn't deserve you, anyway. Besides, I know someone else who is dying to get with you."

"Who?" I ask. "Who could possibly want me?"

"It's not my place to tell you, but I can assure you that someone I know is most definitely in love with you. He'll have to man up and tell you himself," Hermione chuckles.

"Okay," I giggle. "Oh, has Harry seen you in your dress yet?"

"Not yet," Hermione says, biting her lip and smiling. "I was planning on waiting a bit before walking to his room and showing him the dress."

"Harry is going to faint when he sees you! You look even more beautiful than usual," I tell Hermione.

"Thank you, Bella," Hermione says, hugging me again. "Now, we'd better hurry and finish getting ready! The Ball starts soon."

"You're right," I agree. "Can you help me do my hair? I want it to look nice."

"Of course," Hermione says. "Anything for you."

A Hogwarts Romance: Ron Weasley (IN PROGRESS AND UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now