Chapter 13

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"Who's this?" The Wanda girl asked, smiling warmly at me.
"Uhm. I'm Peter. Can you put me down now?" I looked back at Pietro who grinned and nodded.
Before I could blink, I was back on the couch with Pietro and Wanda sitting next to me.
"So Peter. Before we get off track again, would you mind telling us how your powers work?" Bucky asked, interest in his eyes.
"Right! Uhm. I guess for starters, I have enhanced senses. So everything's cranked up to 11 right now."
I nodded, giving them a small smile.
"Can you hear me, Peter?" Pietro's voice whispered from down the hall, where he just ran off to.
"Yes, I can hear you!" I yelled back to him before he zoomed back into sight.
"I also have the proportionate strength of a spider and this thing I call my Spidey Sense. It lets me know when danger is coming." I explained to the others. I wonder if I'm explaining this right. Does what I'm saying make sense?
"So that's how you dodged my arrow." I heard Clint mutter to himself. He's still sulking about that!?
"Would you mind training with us? I want to see your powers in action, little spider." Natasha smiled warmly, but I could tell she wasn't to be taken lightly. I didn't need my spider sense to tell me not to mess with her.
"Sure thing, Miss Widow." I smiled back.
"Pair of spiders fighting, huh? I want to see this." Clint commented with a smirk. If I get to chose my fights, you're totally my next target.
"Just don't kill the kid, Nat. I need my intern, afterall." Tony warned. Natasha and the others rolled their eyes at him.
Time Skip of an elevator trip down to the gym because I'm lazy
Standing on a mat in the gym, I was extremely aware of the avengers sitting on a bench not too far away, their eyes on me. I fidgeted nervously, not used to all the sudden attention. Taking a deep breath, I focused my attention on Natasha. Focus, Peter. Standing across the mat from me, she seemed to be watching my every move like I was doing to her. We made eye contact, waiting for each other to make the first move.
"Any day now." I heard Clint yell from where he was sitting with popcorn in his lap. You try fighting her if you're so eager for a fight.
Just then, Natasha went for a kick in my side. I ducked low so her leg went over my head while also sweeping my leg under her, causing her to fall back. Natasha quickly did a backflip to recover her loss of balance.
Before I know it, I'm in a lightning fast exchange of punches, dodges, kicks, and blocks. All the while, the other avengers were cheering loudly and eating popcorn. Every now and then, I'd catch a glimpse of Strange and Stark having a worried look. Weird. I wonder what they're worried about?
After what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, I managed to pin down Natasha to the ground. Holding her hand behind her back, I gave a small smile.
"I win." I chirped, letting her go and getting off of her. She let out a small laugh before standing up and brushing off the imaginary dirt from off her clothes.
"Great job, kiddo! You don't even look like you broke a sweat." Tony said, ruffling my hair. I let out a small giggle before turning to the others.
"Anyone else want to spar?" I smiled innocently. Almost immediately, all the male raised their hands into the air with grins on their faces. Well, all the males except Bruce, Tony, and Strange. They were sitting to the side, looking amused, but obviously not wanting to participate. Wanda shook her head and held her hands in the air in surrender, a knowing smile on her face. Natasha gave her a nod of approval as she look a seat beside her.
"I call going next!" Clint yelled out, excitedly waving his arms around. I nodded. I was going to make you fight me next either way.
"Let's use weapons, though. I want to see how you do against my arrows. Don't worry, its set on stun. Not planning on killing today." Clint smirked, holding up his bow and seemingly directing the second half to Strange and Tony. Weird. I shrugged it off and readied my stance to fight Clint.
"How about we start a few bets? I bet you $20 that I can beat you in under 5 minutes." Clint smirked cockily. What? While I could see a few of the avengers rolling their eyes at Clint, I stood there in slight shock. Does he not know what he can get $20? It's a lot of money, afterall. Well, not alot-alot, but I could be able to feed at least 3 of my kids a small meal with that. Should I take the bet? I could win the money, but if I lose, then that's $20 down the drain.
Hesitating, I nodded, accepting his challenge. We need the money. I just need to finish this quickly.
"Fri! Could you ready a 5 minute timer to start as soon as I give the word?" Tony called out, grinning like a madman.
I readied myself in front of Clint, him doing the same with a tight grip on his bow. Tony stood beside us, an arm in the air.
"Ready...Start!!" Tony yelled, bringing his hand down before running back to the bench to be a safe distance away.
After 3 minutes, I had Clint's bow away from him and had him pinned to the ground like I had Natasha. Wow. He's definitely easier to take down than Natasha. I probably still shouldn't mess with the ex-assassins too much. Right now, though...
"I win~ Pay up." I smirked, getting off of him.
"Awww~ I thought I could last at least five minutes." Clint whined, getting up off the floor. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a twenty before plopping it into my palm. I grinned and pocketed it before I could lose it.
"Alright, who's next?" Tony called out to the others, an evil smirk on his face. More fighting!? I know I egged Clint on, but I just wanted to mess with him.
"I'll take you on, Peter." Pietro smiles warmly, despite the fact that he wants to fight me. I nodded and got into a fighting stance.
"I want to make a bet like Clint." He announced with his accented voice. "Except, I'm betting $30 that I can last against you for 10 minutes."
Aren't you supposed to be trying to beat me? Not see how long you'll last?
After 6 minutes, I had Pietro tied up with webs and unable to move his legs. He held his arms up in surrender, a large grin on his face.
"You win." He said, handing me $30. I pocketed it with a smile before helping him out of the webs. The second he was free, he zoomed next to Clint with a smirk on his face.
"I lasted twice as long as you~!" Pietro gloated, earning a few laughs from the others around them. So that's what he wanted! He just wanted to beat Clint. I let out a small giggle as Clint handed Pietro some money before sulking.
"Alright! Let's keep this party going!" Tony raised a fist in the air excitedly. "Who wants to challenge the kid next?"
Time Skip
I plopped onto the couch of the common room, exhausted from having fought with all the Avengers. At least it was worth it.
After Clint, everyone wanted their own bets, which they all lost.
Steve was against betting, not wanting to indulge in something that's could turn into a bad habit, but Bucky managed to convince him after a while. Tony eventually caved and wanted in on the action, taking out his Iron Man suit. Steve and Bucky bet $30 each that they could last 20 minutes, though only lasting about 16 each. Tony bet $40 that he could last 7 minutes against me, so he could gloat to Pietro and Clint. He didn't last longer than 2 minutes, earning a new round laughter from everyone. After Tony, Clint and Pietro wanted rematching, giving me another $20 each. In the end, I had a grand total of $180. This is even more than my old paychecks! I can feed my kids~!!!
"You were amazing, Peter." A voice said from beside me on the couch, but I was too tired to try to figure out who's it was. My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Before long, I was in a deep sleep.
Stephen's POV
As soon as we were all back in the common room, Peter laid down on one of the couches. I walked over and peered at him in slight worry. Is he okay?
"You were amazing, Peter." I complimented, trying to act casual while I scanned him for any injuries he could have gotten. Instead of finding any, I heard soft snoring coming from him.
Smiling in amusement, I let 'Cloaky', as Tony calls it, lay itself on Peter as a sort of blanket. Even Cloaky likes Peter. This kid is just too amusing. I'm getting too attached already and I've only really known him for two days.
"Looks like the wizard's going soft." Natasha said in a quiet voice from beside me so as to not wake Peter. I let out a quiet laugh.
"Says the ex-assassin who let him win in a fight." I replied with a small grin.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She huffed stubbornly, crossing her arms.
"Peter's definitely something special." I said, glancing back at the boy in question as he slept peacefully. "He's already won the heart of the infamous Black Widow of the Avengers in less than two days."
"I don't know if that's a good or bad thing." Natasha mumbled darkly, looking to the floor for a second before going back to her neutral self. "Let's let him rest. He's had quite a day."
I nodded in agreement, following her out of the common room to join the others in the kitchen as they ate lunch.
Sighing silently, I took one last glance at the couch Peter was on.
Sleep well.
Peter's POV
The sound of glass breaking startled me to life. Sitting up as fast as I could, I felt my legs tangle themselves in something, causing me to fall to the ground. I frantically looked around myself for any sign of Medusa and to get a sense of where I even was. The laughter surrounding me only confused me further. Those are adults laughing. Where are the kids? Did Medusa take me them? God please no. Where am I? What's going on? Red? Is it blood? Who's blood is it?
I took a deep breath and tried to steady my heart rate. Focusing on my attention on the red that seemed to be surrounding me. After a few seconds, I was calm enough to look around my surroundings with a clear mind.
It turned out that the red was Strange's red cloak. It had wrapped itself around me like it was hugging me. I was sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest. The Avengers were in the kitchen, completely unaware to my mini panic attack. I sighed in relief at that, not wanting to be seen when I'm vulnerable again. Once was more than enough.
I pat the cloak to let it know I was okay. It seemed to understand, but refused to let go of me. Instead, it wrapped itself around my neck as I got to me feet. I shrugged as I walked over to the kitchen to meet up with the others.

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