Chapter 12

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Peters POV

I watched as Dr. Strange walked toward me with magic circles under his hands. Wh-Whats he going to do? I tensed up as he kneeled in front of me and waved his hands over the chains on me. The chains disappeared along with the glowing circles, making me relax a bit.

"So, Peter. Why didnt you just tell us about this earlier?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"I..." I began, quickly getting a loss for words. What am I even supposed to tell him? That I have an entire orphanage to feed and didnt want to risk losing my job? That will just make them pity me. I dont need their pity. I sighed, giving in anyways to their stares.

"I have people to protect. It wouldnt make it any easier of people knew my identity. Even the Avengers. I couldnt risk the possibility of a leak on who I was." I explained, staring down at the floor again. They all gave nods of understanding, well except for Natasha. She gave me a skeptical look.

"When we first tried to talk to you, you said you had kids. I highly doubt you actually have kids, so why?" She questioned, staring me down.

"My siblings, Miss Natasha. My siblings and I are often home alone while...our guardian goes to work on weekends." I announced, choosing my words carefully. "So I often have to feed them and help around the house."

"Why did this whole Spider-Man thing even start if you have so much to lose?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I want to be able to protect my siblings. I dont want them to be growing up in a town where muggings and robberies are happening 24/7. This is all mainly for them." I admitted.


"Well...the Stark Internship thing was pretty exciting and I had a lot of fun hanging out with you all earlier today, but I'm guessing I'm fired and going to jail after this, aren't I?" I hugged my knees closer to my chest.

"Who said anything about jail? Or getting fired?" Stephen questioned, making me look up from the floor in confusion. What does he mean? Oh god, is there going to be a worse punishment than jail?

"Kid, youre not going to jail and youre sure as hell not fired." Tony placed a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, Peter. You're not going to be punished for this. We just needed to know who Spider-Man was and recruit him if we could."

"Recruit?" I echoed in confusion. Everyone nodded, including Bruce who had returned from who knows where.

"Fury wanted the Spider to be an ally of the Avengers because he was a potential threat. As the saying goes: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Bucky explained, watching as Steve's cocoon finally began to dissolve. "Not that youre an enemy. It's just Fury doesnt know where to classify you."

I nodded in understanding. I wouldnt trust me either if i were him. Im some random guy in a Spider hoodie.


"So...what?" I asked, confused once again.

"What do you say, kid? Would you like to be an Avenger?" Tony cut in, a large grin on his face. It took a few seconds until it finally sunk in. Theyre asking be an Avenger. Spider-Man Avenger. OH MY GOD!!! THEY WANT ME AS AN AVENGER!!

"YES!!!" I yelled out excitedly, smiling like a mad man. Seeing a few of them flinch from my outburst, I turned my smile into an apologetic one. "Sorry."

They all laughed a bit at my actions, Natasha even laughed a bit.

"I like you, Man of Spiders. Your actions are quite amusing." Thor boomed, making me wince again from his volume, but I kept smiling. My spirits havent been this high in years. Unfortunately, my Parker Luck wouldnt allow that. My phone began to ring in my pocket, blasting the Star Wars theme ringtone. I whipped it out of my pocket to see it was my 4 am alarm. Shit! Its already 4?!?

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