Chapter 10

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"Shut it, Bird Brain! I'm just going to feed the kid, here." Tony growled, half-dragging Peter into the kitchen area.

Not even half a second  later, the elevator opened, revealing Steve, Natasha, Strange, Bucky, and Bruce. They all came rushing into the kitchen, where Steve and Natasha tackled Tony to the ground. Peter wisely stepped out of Tony's grip in time to watch his new boss fall on his own. Watching Tony being dragged out of the kitchen, Peter couldn't help but let out a small giggle, finding amusement in all this as he followed behind them. However, he stopped laughing when he noticed everyone's gaze went to him.

"U-Uhm. Hi?" He said awkwardly, waving his hand in greeting. As much as he wanted to fanboy in his head about meeting the Avengers, their stares forced him into awkwardness. However, unknown to him, two of them were watching him much more intently than the others.

'This kid looks REALLY familiar. Where do I know him from?' Bucky thought as he leaned against the wall, staring at Peter, looking for any sign that could re-jog his memory.

'Why is Peter here? Wait. Isn't that an intern badge on his neck? When did he become an intern here?' Strange thought from where he stood next to the knocked out Tony, secretly happy that he's getting to see the messy haired boy again.

"Who are you?" Natasha questioned, starting to put a hand on one of her hidden knives. Clint quickly put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, not wanting to see his new friend at the sharp end of one of her daggers.

"Guys, this is Peter. He's Tony's new intern." He introduced, a large grin on his face.

"P-Peter Parker. Nice to meet you all." Peter chirped, waving his hand again. As soon as Peter said his name, it clicked in Bucky's mind.

'It's the Parker boy from the Oscorp tour!! The one who was being picked on and had a spider in his backpack!' He finally remembered. He gave himself a mental pat on the back, happy that he was able to remember things better.

"Nice to meet you too, son. My name's Steve Rogers." Steve introduced himself, the others following his lead. However, when it came to Bruce's turn to introduce himself, Peter's Fanboy mode broke out.

"Y-You're Bruce Banner! I'm a big fan of your work! I've read all your books and it was all so interesting! Especially the study on Gamma Radiation with the photons and penetrating electromagnetic radiation!" Peter blabbered, talking a million miles a minute with a bright smile. Stephen had to hold back a laugh, but both he and Bucky couldn't stop the grins from appearing on their faces. Bruce and the others stood there stunned, except for the unconscious Tony of course.

"Y-You understood my work?" Bruce managed to say through his shocked state. Peter nodded with a bright smile.

"Peter's obviously going to understand it. He is MY intern after all." Tony boasted, suddenly standing up from where he was previously lying unconscious. Everyone rolled their eyes at his statement, except for Peter who blushed slightly from what he presumed to be a compliment.

"Just when I thought we could be friends, Pete. You join the science nerds. I'm hurt from the betrayal!" Clint yelled out, holding a hand to his chest dramatically. Natasha rolled her eyes at him while the others snickered. Peter, on the other hand, began to internally panic.

"I-I'm sorry!" He squeaked out, flustered and unsure what to do.

"Calm down, there, kiddo! I'm joking!" Clint smirked, ruffling Peter's already messy hair, causing him to flinch. Clint's smirk faltered for a part of a second, but quickly recovered. Everyone else frowned, having seen the flinch as well, but followed Clint's example and went back to smiling.

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