Chapter 15

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Thanks to the attention we gain whenever we go out, Delmars got free advertising, so we got a free sandwich as thanks. I smiled gratefully and paid for the sandwiches I ordered.

After everyone else ate, I led them back to the orphanage. I could feel the fear radiating off of them as we stepped onto the front steps. Everything was deathly quiet. You could feel Medusas bloodlust flowing through the front door. My spider sense was screaming at me to run away.

"Everyone, go around the back again." I ordered in a whisper. "You know what to do."

"Peter, you can't keep doing this. You have to let us take some of the beatings too." Jeremy argued quietly so Medusa wouldnt hear.

"You didnt even eat with us because shell make you throw up, right?" Chris H questioned knowingly.

"You gotta let us take some of her punches at least." Robert grumbled, crossing his arms.

"No. Im not letting that bi-" I coughed, catching myself before I cussed in front of the little ones. I cant have them repeating my words at their age. Tom stared at me in confusion while Chris Evans smirked, though he quickly wipes it away.

"I mean monster- even touch you guys. Medusa isnt laying a single finger on any of you, now do as I say and get in through the back." I ordered.

Scarlett nodded grimly before leading the others around the side of the house as I opened the door.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Ms. Medy screamed out, throwing a bottle at me. It hit the wall beside me, sending glass flying everywhere. I felt a few shards sit the side of my face, drawing blood.

Medusa wobbled toward me drunkenly, backhanding me and forcing me to the ground. I could have swore I heard something break as I landed on my shoulder, but I had bigger problems to worry about at the moment.

Medusa was currently stalking over me with pure hatred in her eyes.

Its going to be a long night...

Natashas POV

Sitting in my room, I smiled as I listened in on Peter talking to his siblings through the bug I had placed on his shoulder. Fury got to bug the kid. Why shouldnt I be able to? He was currently pretending to not know what the kids would want to eat, despite them all yelling the same thing. When they finally said it in sync, I heard him snap his fingers.

"Why didnt I think of that? Lets go!" He chirped, making me chuckle a bit.

How has this kid made me this expressive in such a short amount of time?

Just then, the door to my room opened to reveal Clint, Wanda, and Pietro. I glared at Clint for just walking in but sighed when he just grinned back.

"You listening in on the kid? He just left a bit ago." He said, sitting on the bed beside me. Pietro and Wanda sat across from me, crossing their legs. Of course he would know I put a mic on Peter.

I sighed and put it on through a small speaker. Clint and the twins were the only ones I could ever be even slightly expressive around. If it were anyone else, itd be really awkward for me, so I dont.

Why? Because Clint is like a brother to me and Ive known him the longest. The twins were like children to him, so that kind of makes me their aunt of sorts.

"So why did you bug Peter? Something bothering you?" Clint guessed, leaning back on the headboard of the bed.

I nodded.

"When he was talking earlier, he looked like he was hiding something, but it doesnt make sense. He told us about Spider-Man, so what could he be hiding?" I wondered aloud.

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