Chapter 6

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At 6am, I went back to the orphanage, climbing in through the window I had left from. As soon as I entered, I crawled to the closet from the ceiling, not wanting to wake them up just yet. Climbing into the closet, I got changed into my regular clothes before walking back out. God, I'm tired, but the leftover adrenaline won't let me sleep even if I tried. That's what I get for running into a bank robbery at 5am. Whatever, I've gotta get them out of here before Medusa comes home.
"Wakey, Wakey Eggs and Bakey!" I sang, starting to wake them up. Sure enough, none of them moved.
"We're going to the park today~!" I announced, gaining their full attention.
"Really?!" Little Tom jumped up and down in excitement. I nodded in response.
"And if everyone gets ready fast enough, then we can use the money that you found yesterday to buy some food for a picnic." I told him, making everyone spring into action. Why is food the only thing to make them get out of bed? I giggled quietly at the thought before going across the hall to the girls' room.
"Did you ladies hear?" I asked, but the blurrs running around were enough of an answer.
"Grab some pop tarts and water to eat on the way! I'll wait for everyone outside!" I called out as I walked down the stairs with the two largest blankets I could find.
Within five minutes, all of the kids were outside and lined up along the sidewalk, munching on pop tarts. Beginning to walk down the road to the nearest park, I kept a close eye on my surroundings, not wanting anything to ruin the kid's first day out in a while.
"Alright, everyone. Wait here while I go get my paycheck from my boss really quick, okay?" I instructed as we neared a McDonald's. They nodded and shifted to the side as much as possible, so they wouldn't be in the way of people walking by. Jeremy and Robert carries the blankets while I was gone.
After getting my final paycheck from my overly grumpy boss, I returned to the line of kids and returned to leading them down the road. Entering a nearby grocery store, I made sure to get enough food for everyone and a few apples for them to snack on.
Finally arriving at the park, I let them go free at the play area while I set up the blankets on the grass under a large tree and placed the bags of food on top.
"Stay close by, got it?" I yelled out to the kids as they ran off to the playground, receiving a few okay's in response. I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched, but after looking around, I couldn't see anything, so I shook off the thought.
Lying down on top of the blankets, I kept an eye on everyone, making sure no one ran off too far or got hurt as they played. Ever so slowly, my eyelids began to droop, getting heavier and heavier with every minute.
Suddenly, my phone rang at an alarming volume, causing me to jump up in surprise. Looking at the screen, I relaxed at the contact name. Thank god. It's just Ned. Answering it, I was greeted with a high pitched screech.
"PETER!!! SOMETHING AWESOME IS HAPPENING! This has to be the greatest thing to have happened since- since- since STAR WARS!!" Ned screeched, tripping over his own words.
I moved the phone away from my ear as he yelled, wincing slightly.
"What happened, Ned?"
"Dude! Have you seen the news?! It's everywhere! There's a new superhero in town now!! He's calling himself Spider-Man! This is totally awesome, man!!"
"Y-Yeah that's really cool, Ned."
"Just cool? Are you feeling alright, Pete? Normally, you're the biggest superhero fan in the world."
"Yeah, Yeah! I'm alright! Just-uh- a little distracted is all. I'm at the park with the kids right now." I could feel the guilt inside me grow. Maybe I should tell Ned? But won't that put him in danger?
"Oh! Alright, man. I'll leave you to it, then. I know you don't have much free time, so have fun! Oh! And Happy Birthday, man!" Ned chirped.
"Y-Yeah, thanks. I will! See you tomorrow at school."
With that, I hung up the phone and sighed. Returning to watching the kids, I slowly sat up and noticed something that made me pale. Two of the youngest were talking to a man wearing black and standing beside a large van. Not just that, but the van was wide open. NOT ON MY WATCH!!!
Sprinting over as fast as I could, I put myself between him and the kids, skidding to a stop and glared at him.
"How can I help you, mister?" I said through gritted teeth, not allowing my glare to falter
The man glared back at me before running into the van's driver's side and driving away full speed. I took out my phone and took a picture of his plate. That was a close one.
"Awww. Peter! What was that for?" Chadwick whined.
"Yeah! He said he was going to take us to Disneyland and buy us candy!" Terry joined in, pouting a bit.
"Do you guys remember what I told you about strangers?" I asked, leading them back to where the blankets were sitting.
"To...not talk to them?" Chadwick answered, though I could tell he wasn't sure.
"Yes. Do you know why?" I asked, sitting on the blanket, with them sitting in front of me. They shook their heads.
"Not all strangers are good. Most of them are, but some are just like Medusa: meanies." I explained, making their eyes widen at the news.
"A-And he was one of the meanies?" Terry asked, pale as a sheet.
"Yes, so from now on, no talking to strangers, okay?" I smiled, trying to relieve the tension. "Now, go on and play. Lunch isn't for another hour."
With that, they ran off to the playground with smiles on their faces. When they were out of earshot, I called the police to warn them of the kidnapper, giving them the license plate number before I hung up.
Time Skip
As the sun began to set, I ordered the kids to help clean up the mess of food and wrappers they had left before folding the blankets.
Returning to the orphanage, I noticed a bright red car parked outside, shining with the remaining sunlight in the sky. Crap. She's back already. Just great.
Turning to the kids, I could tell they saw the car as well from the looks of terror in their eyes. Let's get this over with as quick as possible.
"You know the drill. Run upstairs and get in my closet. Lock the door." I ordered, handing the blankets to the older kids before opening the door.
"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Ms. Medy's shrill voice screamed.
She stood in the kitchen, a tequila bottle in her hand that looked almost empty. I gestured to the kids behind my back, pointing to the stairs. Their shuffling to the stairs showed they got my message.
"I took them to the park, Ma'am." I replied obediently. Do as she says, the punishments will be less painful.
"Without my permission, runt? Do you have any idea how much a day out to the park would cost? You better not have gotten into my wallet, you little punk!" She screamed as she threw the bottle by my feet. The glass shattered all over the ground and the remaining alcohol seeped through the cracks of the floorboard. Ugh. That's going to stink for a long time.
"No, ma'am. I didn't go into your wallet."
"DON'T TALK BACK YOU LITTLE BITCH!" She hissed, raising her fist to punch me.
My instincts were screaming at me to dodge and fight back, but the memory of the jerk crashing into the wall from my kick yesterday flashed through my mind. I could end up killing someone if I'm not careful.
Staying still, I let her have her way with me, punching and kicking me to the ground. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from screaming in pain as she stomped her heel into my ankle. It would only worsen the beating.
"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" She yelled, pointing to the stairs. I immediately began limping to the stairs. Getting to the boys' room, I sighed in relief that it was over.
"Is it safe now?" Elizabeth whispered as she cracked the closet door open and poked her head out. I nodded, allowing her to open the door completely.
"Are you okay, Peter?" Don asked, gently poking a small bruise on my arm.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just look, I'm already getting better." I lowered myself to show them my arm. The bruise on my forearm was slowly disappearing before their eyes. Advanced healing is the best.
"Whoa~" a few of them gasped in amazement.
"Alright, spiderlings. Bed time. We have school tomorrow." I told them, leading the way to the girl's bedroom.
After making sure everyone had actually went to sleep, I changed into my suit and climbed out the window. Jumping out into the night, I took out my phone from the inside pocket. Setting an alarm on my phone for 1 am, I swung into the city, ready to save some lives.
Stephen's POV- Sunday morning
Flying around the city in search of Norman Osborn was definitely not how I would have liked to have spend my Sunday morning. After Tony had been locked in his office yesterday by Pepper, Fury has been up our asses about letting Osborn escape. Thank goodness Natasha's information gathering skills had told us Osborn was still in New York and had a base somewhere or Fury would've absolutely killed us.
Taking a rest on a tree in the park below me at around 11, I watched the scenery ahead of me. Buildings glistened with the sunlight, the reflected light almost blinding. Luckily the park was pretty much empty, so the silence of the park helped clear my head and enveloped me in a relaxed state.
It wouldn't hurt to take a break.
After meditating in the tree for about five minutes, the rhythmic beating of footsteps forced me to open my eyes. Looking down, I found nothing less than an army of children running to the playground below. Holy shit. That's a lot of kids. Where are their parents?
"Stay close by, got it?" A voice yelled out from directly below me.
Turning my attention to the base of the tree, a teenage boy with messy brown hair and a baggy hoodie, stood there with the edges of a large, raggedy blanket in his hand. This boy, that couldn't be older than fifteen, was setting up two very large blankets on the grass. It's the kid from Friday! Is this kid their guardian? I don't see anyone else around, but there's no way this kid's watching over all the others, right?
He suddenly started looking around, looking for something...or someone? Does he sense I'm watching him? Wait. I'm a grown man sitting in a tree watching a bunch of kids. Just great. If he spots me, I'm going to look like a total creep.
I hid myself in a different dimension, making myself invisible to anyone who wasn't a master of the mystic arts such as myself. The boy seemed to go back to normal afterward, making me relax. Without realizing what I was doing, I had lowered myself from the tree and sat beside him on the opposite blanket from him as he laid on the other. What a weird kid. Usually when I meditate, my presence is practically invisible. How did he know I was up there?
The messy haired boy seemed to start nodding off as he watched the others on the playground. Must be stressful watching all those kids. I'd be tired too.
Suddenly, a loud and obnoxious ringtone began screaming from his pocket, scaring him awake. I chucked a bit as he answered his phone. This boy's pretty interesting. I wonder what his name is-
"PETER!!! SOMETHING AWESOME IS HAPPENING!" A voice from his phone shouted, causing him to move his phone away from his ear in pain. So its Peter, huh?
As he talked on the phone, I noticed an uneasy look on his face, as if he was trying to hide something. After hanging up the phone, he sat up and his face immediately paled as he looked off in the distance.
Before I even had a chance to see what it was that made him so pale, he was sprinting off like a flash. Damn this kid is fast.
He skidded to a stop between a man with an open van beside him and a pair of extremely young kids. Within seconds, the strange man sped off, leaving the three alone. Did he them from getting kidnapped? More importantly: how did I not notice those kids being in danger? I'm supposed to be a Master of the Mystic Arts, but I got distracted by a teenager?!
Shaking my head clear, I stood up from the ground and flew away as Peter began lecturing the young ones. I know I want a kid, but stalking one is DEFINITELY NOT the way to go, no matter how interesting he is. Honestly, what the hell's wrong with me?
Going back into my search for Osborn, I shook away all thoughts of children and Peter from my mind. I've wasted enough time already.

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