Chapter 22

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(I'm baaack~! Sorry for the wait! And before I forget: a special thanks to @thatonewriterlady for the idea! Enjoy the chapter!)

3rd Person

Up in the common room, the Avengers awaited the arrival of their beloved teenager. FRIDAY had notified them that Peter was in the tower, down in the lobby. Stephen and Tony scanned the room one last time to make sure everything was in place.

MJ and Ned, who had been secretly picked up after school by Steve and Natasha, were standing with the Avengers as they waited for their best friend to come up the elevator. They had been at the Tower for a while now and Ned was still trying to not have a heart attack from being surrounded by super heroes. Thankfully for him, MJ kept him in check so he didn't get too side tracked until Peter got to the party.

Once the first batch of kids arrived with Agent Hill, they were ushered over to stand with the Avengers. They giggled excitedly at the idea of surprising Peter with a party. MJ and Ned, who had some experience in helping Peter watch his siblings, got them to quiet down by putting their index fingers to their smiling lips. The kids mimicked them and shushed each other until they went silent. The Avengers watched them in amusement.

The next batch of kids were sent up with Fury, who stood at the center of the elevator with a neutral expression. The kids stood at the sides, watching him fearfully. It didn't help that Fury decided to mess with them when they were in the elevator.

"Which to gobble up first... Which to gobble up first..." He mumbled as the elevator slowly rose, making some of the poor kids almost cry.

As soon as the doors opened, the 8 kids ran out into the common room screaming in fear. They were quickly intercepted by the Avengers and guided over to the others. MJ and Ned comforted them as best they could along with their siblings. Fury let out a dark chuckle as he calmly stepped off the elevator and joined the Avengers who were also laughing. Tony had always joked about kids being afraid of Fury and it was now reality.

Meanwhile, down at the lobby, Peter was leading the final batch of kids into the elevator. Among them were the eldest of the kids, so they followed him in calmly and silently. However, Peter's nervous fidgeting caught their attention and made them nervous as well.

"Alright, FRIDAY. Can you take us to the infirmary, please?" Peter called up to the ceiling, twiddling his fingers.

"Infirmary?" Jeremy suddenly broke the silence he and the others had, making Peter jump. "Why are you so jumpy?"

"Jumpy? I'm not jumpy." He denied, getting looks of skepticism from his siblings.

Peter avoided eye contact with them, intertwining and untangling his fingers. Scarlett took one of his hands and held it, giving him a smile to try to ease his nerves. It worked for the most part and Peter sighed in defeat.

"Alright, I'll tell you guys." He relented. "But you guys gotta promise not to freak out on me."

"We promise." His siblings chorused.

"Okay... This "field trip" is really a trip to the doctors for a check-up." Peter announced hesitantly.

Scarlett, Mark, Tom, Jeremy, Samuel, and both Chrises froze. They all simultaneously made eye contact and nodded before slowly inching toward the doors of the elevator. The next thing Peter knew, they were banging on the doors and pleading for them to be let out.

"Let us out! Let us out! Let us out!" Hiddleston repeated, banging his fists on the metal.

"We didn't sign up for a trip to the doctors!! Help us!!" Robert called, but FRIDAY ignored them and continued to take them up to the common room as planned.

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