Chapter 2

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Arriving at the Oscorp entrance, I held in my screams of excitement, but was struggling. Ned was doing the same, so we stood together, making high pitched humming noises while staring at the large building ahead.

"Would you two losers keep it down? I cant hear what the teachers saying." MJ cut us off, pointing to Mr. Dough and bringing us back to Earth.

Mr. Dough, who Ned and I called Mr. Douche behind his back, was explaining to the group today's schedule and the rules. I internally groaned as I listened to his instructions. He was one of those teachers that turned a blind eye to bullying because he loved jocks and looked down at nerds. I, being the nerdiest nerd in the school, am at the top of his hate list. Hell, I once overheard him giving Flash advice on how to not get caught when he bullied me.

Why did THIS teacher have to lead my group today?

When he finally stopped talking, a boy with brown hair and wearing a badge around his neck walked out of the building. When he got closer, I could tell he was around our age.

"Hello! You must be here for the high school tour!" He chirped, waving to us. "My name is Harry and I'll be your tour guide today!"

With that, he began to lead us into the building he had just walked out of. My eyes widened at all of the equipment on the scattered desks inside. Screens were absolutely everywhere and people in lab coats were rushing passed wherever you looked.

"Whoa~" I gasped, gaining Harrys attention. I hadn't realized that I made my way to the front of the group.

"Cool, right?" Harry grinned. "This is the center of all our databases. Top of the line security and a few of our experiments are on display here."

He led us to the side of the room, showing us an exhibit containing spiders. The spiders had beautiful and colorful design on their backs. A few were even an unnatural color completely, like the bright pink one in the corner of the glass container. (Note: I am about to spew out some random junk for science talk. I might or might not be right, okay? Science isnt my best subject and I am too lazy to search if I was right in the comics or movie, so just go with it, Please.)

"These are the 15 radioactive spiders weve been experimenting on. We believe that if we can manage to slice their genomes and alter their DNA, we could be able to evolve humans to be more advanced. However, these are theoretically failures, so we just have them out on display for tours like this." Harry explained, though I could tell his information just went over everyones heads. Except Neds, MJs, and mine, at least.

"Wait. Are you talking about cross-species genetics? Thats incredible!" I burst out in all my Nerdy glory. Ned followed in after me, though his words were so rushed that I wasn't able to catch what he said.

"This is incredible, indeed. However, arent there risks to this sort of thing? They are spiders, after all. Their genetic instincts could possibly malfunction into the humans." MJ said, finally looking up from the book she had her nose in the entire time.

Harry looked a bit taken aback at our knowledge, almost like he couldnt believe it. Oops. We broke the tour guide. After a second, he brought himself out of his little trance.

"Y-Yes! Youre right! Which is why we used them in purely theoretical experiments. Of course, we still check up on them from time to time to see how the progress is going, but otherwise, theyre failures." Harry explained.

"Failures like Penis Parker over there." I heard Flash comment from the back of the group, earning many snickers. Of course, Mr. Douche was laughing along with the rest of them. Bunch of jerks. Harry looked around, probably confused as to why they were laughing, though he seemed to give up after a bit.

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