지금 세상 어느 곳에 살고 있는지?

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[do u see army? i saw army.]

-a/n: *is trying to add spice to the story but ends up with takis*


"soobin, why don't you play with taehyun, yeonjun, and kai?" i ask lightly. i place a hand on his slouching back.

he turns to look at me, the expression on his face one of a kicked puppy. "they say they don't want me to play."

"aw, of course they want you to play. you stay here and i'll go ask them, alright?"

he nods quietly and goes back to looking sullen. trudging over to where yeonjun is sifting through sand and cat shit in the sandbox, i crouch down to eye level with the boy.

his eyes, clearly seeing me, glance up to make eye contact, then look back down.

"yeonjun." i call. he avoids my gaze. do i really have to play the mom right now?

"yeonjun cannot answer the phone right now. why? 'cuz he's dead. please leave message after the bleep."

"yeonjun, play with soobin." i say sternly.

"affirmative. request denied."

"what the—" this kid is like some kind of dial tone with only one answer: no.

i sigh in defeat, not in the mood to be a parent. flagging down hueningkai and taehyun, i signal the two to come down and talk to me from the playground.

"down the hole!" he slides down the pole in a stripper pose, taehyun following innocently behind him.

what has my life come to?

"hey, why don't you guys play with soobin?" i flick a hair out of the way of hueningkai's face.

"he's no fun—"

their words halt when i grip both of their ears and pull slightly. "what was that you said?"

"ow—" i pull harder, jerking a thumb to a still sulking soobin.

"soobin is great friend! soobin come play with us!" taehyun shouts, rubbing his ear when i let go.

"and you, kai?"

"ouch! yay, soobin's playing..." he says wearily. i let him go out of mercy, the tips of his ear turning a bright red.

"be nice." i say once more, pointing at each of them.

the newfound presence of soobin skidding over to us doesn't seem to affect them, however, and they resume playing what looked like the game "house" but it took place in a club.

"another one!" soobin demands, slamming an invisible cup onto the table behind the telescope.

"yessir." taehyun pours a drink. but with a slight glance to hueningkai and a smug look, he takes an invisible drug out of his pocket and pours it in with the liquid.

this doesn't go unnoticed by soobin, but he plays along anyways.

feigning obliviousness, he takes a swig and slams the cup down. then he pretends to choke and crumples to the floor.

"he dead." states hueningkai.

"yes." taehyung follows. they pick up the "corpse" of taehyung together and bring him down the play set, to the sand box.

"here's another." taehyun says. they lay soobin down in the sand and yeonjun nods.

suddenly, i feel as if i shouldn't have kept watching as they proceed to cover soobin in sand.

turning away with a shudder, i let the boys...play.

"jaynie!!" i hear a whine, then someone latches onto me. i hold their legs so they don't fall down.

"yes, taehyung?"

"can we watch another drama? you never have time for me anymore!"

that brought me back to the beginning of the school year, my heart beginning to ache. a nostalgic feeling washes over me.

"yeah, tae," i make my way to a wooden bench nearby and pat the space next to me. "let's watch."

what part of the world is he living in?

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