사랑이 어떤 느낌인지

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"at least i can spend more time with you now." jimin says, bumping her shoulder with his own. she rubs the now sore spot with a frown. jimin pouts. "come on, this isn't that bad, is it?"

jaynie continues to ignore him, pushing through the bustling crowd of excited students who bounded through the halls like a herd of wild buffalo. it wasn't helping that she was going against the flow of extremely hormonal and tired teenagers.

she kept on bumping into people and continuously apologized. earning rude glances and things like, "watch it, mary jane."

before she knew it, she was tumbling towards the floor.

for the fifth time this month.

her eyes caught sight of the red and white checkered floor, before an arm caught her. she's breathing heavily, inches from the ground.

"butthole!" jimin shakes his fist at a boy who was retreating through the double doors with a guilty expression.

he brings her up, hugging her with his non-restrained arm. jaynie stands with her arms to her side awkwardly as people pass them with judgemental looks.

"um, jimin? you can let go now."

"shhh... you'll be fine, princess."

she pushes him away harshly, only to gain a  mere two feet of space thanks to the handcuffs on their wrists.

"okay, that's enough jaynie for you. chill down."

heat spreads across his cheeks as it often does when he's embarrassed, and he pulls his sweater cuffs over his hand and covers his eyes.  "sorry." he apologizes adorably in heavily accented english.

jaynie almost faints inside. cute.

"—hey guys what's going on—oh." hoseok was trying to get between them but was restricted by the metal chain that linked the two. he simply grins like a cheshire cat and shrugs it off, opting to instead put his arms around the two as best he could.

"how is my favorite couple today?"

"we're good hoseok, hands off." jimin growls, menacingly eyeing the other boy's limb that was lazily draped around jaynie.  

hoseok quickly retracts his touch. scooting around them, he laughs nervously before giving a two-finger salute and slipping through the doors of the school, jimin's predator-like eyes following him.


said boy reverts his gaze to her.

"how are we going to get these off?"

he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "well..."

what does love feel like?

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